*Posted from the archives for all the delicious recipes!
I said it before and I’ll say it again: this was difficult. Even with the help of e from Foodaphilia, I had a tough time judging. Truly, all of the submissions were excellent, but we promised to choose a top 3. Like the troopers we are, we finally decided on the winners.
We got a few less entries this time and most of them right near the deadline! It’s too bad we didn’t have more, but at least it was easier to judge (slightly). So what did we receive? It can be broken down into the following: 2 smoothie, 3 bread, 2 sandwich, 1 parfait, 1 pancake, 1 french toast and 1 quinoa dish. For all you mathematicians out there, that’s 11 total entries. I chose my top 3 in the evening which led to stomach rumblings. It didn’t help that my own breakfast was at least 10 hours away at that point and I dreamt of all of the entries in some mega breakfast feast.
Every submission was outstanding, ranging from quick and easy smoothies to the more involved but equally delicious Breakfast Panini and Stuffed Pancakes. Quinoa? For breakfast? Hell yea! I only wish my printer could print me out a plate of that. How about some Hazelnut Pan Bread from Naomi who can’t find the # symbol on her keyboard but can make a superbly unique breakfast treat. And who could forget Bagels! Although depending on where you’re from, the bagel can either make it or break it (anyone west of Philly need not apply). Well, the time has come, so read on to see the winners of the Second Peanut Butter Exhibition!