Update: The exhibition is over, click here to see the winners!

Hear ye, hear ye! The Great Peanut Butter Exhibition has returned! This time even sooner than usual! In conjunction with Foodaphilia, I am proud to present the latest and greatest in peanut butter blogging!

The theme for this PBE is cake/cupcakes! What’s you’re favorite way to incorporate peanut butter into a cake, in the batter? on top? a surprise filling? Submit your recipe following the guidelines below and we’ll be rounding up all submissions and choosing a Top 3. We decided to put out the call for entries earlier to allow for more baking and experimentation. The deadline is June 30th @ Noon (PST), a full 18 days from now, which gives you 3 full weekends to demonstrate your expertise with our favorite tan-colored paste and flex those baking muscles! The Top 3 will be prominently featured, but all entries will be displayed. The winners will receive a lovely badge to show off their award-winning recipe!

The real prizes from the previous Peanut Butter Exhibitions were the recipes themselves, we loved them all! We’re looking forward to another great batch of recipes to round up! The category is more focused than last time, but I think we’ll generate some excitement and, of course, some excellent recipes! We’re real excited for this round, so put on those thinking caps and get in the kitchen!

I don’t have any cake recipes to show (yet), but what I do have are some flavored peanut butters. These homemade peanut butter varieties represent some of the best combinations of ingredients with peanut butter, so check these out for some inspiration:

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter – milk or white chocolate can be used too.
Honey Nut Roasted Peanut Butter – classic combination.
Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter – hands down, my favorite flavor.
Apple Pie Peanut Butter – ingenious combo if I do say so myself.
Maple Peanut Butter – awesome combo, very earthy.

Now let’s get those spoons-a-churnin’ and make mom (and me) proud! Read on for the details…

Submission Details: To enter your recipe, please submit the following information to pbe@peanutbutterboy.com with “PBE #3” as the subject:

Blog URL
Title of Recipe
Recipe Permalink URL or Recipe

Judging Criteria: Peanut Butter Weight, Presentation, Dessert-Before-Dinner Factor, and Preparation Time

Other Rules: 1 entry per person, so choose wisely! Pictures are highly recommended, but not required. Also, please link back to this page to indicate that you are entering the recipe into this contest. Feel free to use any of the PBE logos to link back here. Good luck to all!

Participating? Use this image to link back here:

Blogless?: Don’t worry if you don’t have a blog, you can still submit your winning recipe. Follow the same procedure above excluding “Blog URL” and “Recipe Permalink URL” and feel free to email the picture along with the recipe!

* Logos courtesy of the talented Kristina Sacci.

Filed in PBE

7 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Celine says:

    can’t wait to drool over them cupcake pictures.

  2. Amanda says:

    awesome!! this is a good one, especially since I favor peanut butter and chocolate cakes.

  3. VeggieGirl says:

    Oooh, Nick, this exhibition sounds ESPECIALLY enticing!!!

  4. aforkfulofspaghetti says:

    Yet again, I have to sit this one out.

    *rolls eyes*

  5. Lisa says:

    Hi, Nick

    I posted my recipe yesterday for the contest! I’m soooo excited!

    Lisa :)

  6. Mansi Desai says:

    sounds challenging as I don’t use PB often:) but will surely try to participate!

  7. Dee says:

    Hi Nick,
    By the skin of my teeth, I’ve made it!
    My recipe is at http://choosandchews.blogspot.com/2008/06/one-for-king.html
    Thanks for taking the time to organize this :)

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