Side Dish

I don’t know why I made this. The combination of ingredients is strange, the name isn’t particularly appetizing (it was originally called braised bulgur and cabbage) and it doesn’t look all that good, but I had all the ingredients so it was too easy to pass up. Did you ever make a recipe you were skeptical about but it wound up being way better than expected? We served this with leftover Chicken Chana Saag (chicken and chickpeas in a spinach and garlic sauce), which is one of our favorite Indian dishes, and expected this odd recipe to simply be filler to round out the meal. We were so wrong. I couldn’t stop eating it and finished it all before I even touched the Saag. There were crazy flavors going on that I can’t fully describe – there was sweetness, saltiness, and something else that was just plain delicious. This taught me to never judge a recipe by its recipe.


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