Ladies and gents, it’s football season. This requires 2 things: a TV and chili. I have made many chili recipes, each one different than the last. This one, however, is the only recipe I’ll ever use again. I wouldn’t have thought to incorporate peanut butter into chili except that there is a widespread tradition amongst some people to serve peanut butter with chili, either on crackers or peanut butter sandwiches. I’ve had several people tell me that no chili could beat their recipe, yet every time they reluctantly admitted that mine was better. Last year for the Super Bowl, each of our guests said it was the best chili they’ve ever had. And if you read some of the comments below, people have entered this recipe into chili cook-offs and won! At this point, you shouldn’t need any more convincing – make this chili now. I’ve also got more great Super Bowl recipes below.




1. Add some olive oil to a very large pot and cook onions and garlic over medium-high heat until onions are translucent. Add ground beef and turkey and cook until browned and cooked through. Drain fat from bottom of the pot.

2a. If using a slow cooker, add everything to the slow cooker, stir well and cook on low for 6+ hours. You may want to break “crockpot standards” and stir once or twice throughout the cook time, since this thick chili can burn a little bit on the sides (however, the burnt bits are pretty tasty).

2b. If using stovetop, return the pot to the burner and add everything. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat and simmer for at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

3. Makes about 16 large servings but freezes well, so stock up! Customize as desired:

For all Super Bowl Recipes click here!

Filed in Gluten Free, Low Carb, Main Course, Peanut Butter, Soup and Chili

102 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Are you freaking kidding me?!? Can I come over to your house for the game? Go Cardinals!

    I actually didn’t realize Super Bowl Sunday was coming up until a few days ago! No party planned but I’m sure we’ll end up having some leftover chili, drinks and other good food, come on down! ~ Nick

  2. Sharon says:

    Oh my gosh, yummy delightful eats! I want some!
    Thanks for sharing such great recipes!

  3. Reeni says:

    I want a spread with all of those delicious goodies! Those raspberry brownies look amazing!

  4. Sagan says:

    Oh yum. Think I need to have a Super Bowl party just to be able to make all this delicious food.

  5. marris says:

    man… I’m going to have to try that… even if it’s not for a super bowl party!

    That looks SO good. And even more interesting with the peanut butter added. Hey, is this chili “even better the second day around” like most chilis?

    I wonder if you can crock-pot this… ?

    Go Cardinals!!

    You can totally crock-pot it and it’s definitely better the second day. Luckily I put in the correct amount of peanut butter form the get-go, not too much, just enough. ~ Nick

  6. Peanut butter in chili? I never would have thought of it, but I can totally see it working. The addition of pumpkin intrigues me as well. I’m going to go for it on sunday.

    Report back if you do and how you like it! ~ Nick

  7. Meg says:

    What a great recipe! Thanks for all the other recipes!

  8. Ben says:

    I haven’t watched a super bowl in many years, but your chili would be a perfect excuse to sit in front of the TV to cheer complete strange teams on Sunday, LOL. Great job!

    Haha, that’s exactly what it’s going to do for me! I just like the commercials and the food that comes along with the game. ~ Nick

  9. Chuck says:

    I don’t know … are you sure this is good? I can’t imagine peanut butter in a chili. I really want to try but am a little scared lol. It looks good.

    I assure you, you won’t be disappointed. My girlfriend gives it a super thumbs up and she hates chili. And I gave a friend a taste and he came back the next day craving it. Try it. ~ Nick

  10. Heather says:

    i can see how PB would be good in chili – i’ll bet it adds a nice flavor. i am definitely planning a pot of chili for this sunday. yours looks tasty!!

  11. Amber Shea says:

    Sounds good! I applaud the use of pumpkin as well :] It blends so seamlessly into so many things.

  12. RecipeGirl says:

    Looks great! Good luck in the contest!

  13. Laci says:

    Wow Nick, that’s some funky, good looking chili! (Do you think you could replace the meat with beans or tofu?) Have a great superbowl time with your pals! =)

    There’s already a ton of beans but you could always add more! I bet tofu would be great. Or better yet, get some of that GimmeLean sausage/beef style and replace the meat with it! ~ Nick

  14. dawn says:

    Peanut butter chili? I think I have died. This is going to taste amazing–I am so making this.

  15. Richard says:

    another great recipe, Nick. Chili rocks, but I never have it at home with FOB parents.
    By the way, enjoy the Super Bowl and have some great eats! Lucky for me, my birthday falls on the same day, so I get a weekend of good eats. I’m feeling a b-day dinner of legit Mexican food! Be jealous :p

    Man, I AM jealous. I need to go to visit my girlfriends Mexican side of the family again, they make a mean cuisine! Enjoy the food-filled weekend! ~ Nick

  16. Jessy says:

    Omg raspberry brownies look sooo goooood : )

  17. Looks really delicious!! I love adding peanut butter to stews, adds lots of flavours and helps thicken as well.

  18. yasmeen says:

    Appetizing spread of game-time food.Adding PB to chili certainly makes it hearty and more nutritious ,love to try it next time I make chili.

  19. Your GF says:

    is this the chili you gave me last weekend? I didnt know that it had PB in it!

    Haha, yes you did. I told you twice, once before you ate it and once while you were eating it. No worries, the part that matters is that you thoroughly enjoyed it =) ~ Nick

  20. Hayley says:

    Thank God you fixed our little viewing dilemma, this chili was calling to me on Tastespotting. It looks incredible, as do your other Super Bowl creations, I’ll have to get cooking this weekend.

    And I took your suggestion about contacting Katie from Naturally Nutty. She definately brought the goods. Chocolate Vanilla Almond, and some tasty samples (all highly recommended). Thanks for all your advice!

    Sure thing, enjoy the amazing flavors of Naturally Nutty, it’s quickly become my favorite brand of peanut butter. ~ Nick

  21. Katrina says:

    The picture looks fabulous and I’ve got to try that sometime!

  22. Kevin says:

    Peanut butter chili sounds good!

  23. The pumpkin and peanut butter must make this creamy and sweet, at the same time bouncing off the spice! Love it.

  24. Malar Gandhi says:

    Interesting recipe…looks yummy.

  25. Chou says:

    I’m assigning my husband to make this. Yummy! Love the pumpkin. Sneaky.

  26. grace says:

    what a terrific, extremely unique recipe! have you ever made your own hominy? my grandpa is a pro, and it’s unlike anything you’ll ever buy in a store.
    again, great recipe!

    I’m so new to hominy, I haven’t thought to make it yet. It’s pretty simple from what I understand, basically treating/soaking the corn in lime water of some sort? The stuff in the can ain’t bad, especially once you cook/boil it for a little while, the texture is wonderful. ~ Nick

  27. Elle says:

    Oh my gosh, this looks and sounds amazing! I’ve always wanted to try hominy–this is a good excuse to, right? You’re a chili genius!

  28. Erin says:

    Nom…NOM! Too bad I’m eating with a lot of people and can’t do beans unless I’m just chillin’ with my spouse…know what I mean?
    I remember that raspberry brownie post. Oh lord!

    Well perhaps you should be careful then, but I tell you the crowds will love it! ~ Nick

  29. zestycook says:

    Great recipe Nick. Your site is looking better and better each time I come by. Great job!


  30. Lauren B says:

    Oh my, that PB chili looks amazing. Is that lovely color from the peanut butter? Will have to make some, with double the meat and no beans to lower the carbs. Thanks for another great recipe, Nick!

  31. Cynthia says:

    I want to come for everything but especially the chili!

  32. liz says:

    I just ran across this in cyberspace and felt compelled to give it to you. It involves superlean pork tenderloin, peanut butter, and asian-type flavors-

    This is right up my alley. I heard someone talking about a slow-cooker peanut butter pork tenderloin recipe, maybe this is it? This is next on my list, thanks Liz! ~ Nick

  33. Carolina says:

    Hey,my hubby made an easy treat using PB. Check it out when you can. Hope all is well!

  34. Hi Nick! I’ve never used hominy either. Pumpkin puree? Hmm…I’m just not sure about that but I trust you. If you say it’s the best chili you’ve made (hopefully you’ve made more than one?) then I will bookmark it to try.

    Ha, I’ve made at least a dozen chili recipes before. I’ve used pumpkin puree in 3 of them and I fully support that ingredient. The thing about pumpkin and peanut butter is not to overdo it. But when done right, as it is here, it’s perfecto! And don’t forget the hominy, it is truly the best part. ~ Nick

  35. Peanut butter in chili would be fantastic…sort of a Thai twist:D

  36. Bren says:

    oh my goodness, are you serious? peanut butter chili? okay! well the entire spread looks like a feast for real winners!!!!!! woo hoo Steelers!

  37. Sheena says:

    my boyfriend saw this and has ordered me to make it on sunday. it looks awesome, and i can’t wait =D

  38. dave says:

    Just made it…loved it..added 2 small cans extra of diced tomatoes and a cup a chicken stock..was skeptical about adding peppers at the end..but worked perfect..substituted pork with steak..and added 2 chopped jalapenos..very great..enjoyed by all…thanks!

    • Nick says:

      Glad you enjoyed it! Adding the peppers at the end helps keep them a little crunchy, so they’re not completely mushy. I will try steak or ground beef next time and I like the jalapeno addition!

  39. Brenda says:

    I have made this 3 times now and when asked what was in it i told them peanutbutter and pumpkin they are like no way. Did not bring home any left overs. Thanks for sharing this is now the families favorite chili recipe. Good also served as the topping for chips and cheese.

  40. Sarah says:

    I have made this chili a few times now. It is the best Chili Ever. Have been lookin foe a chili recipe some time now with peanut butter. Definately will enter this one in the church chili cook off.

    • Nick says:

      Thank you! When I said “this is the best chili I have made”, I wasn’t tooting my own horn but stating a fact! The stuff is fantastic and superbly healthy. I hope you’ll let me know how the cook off goes!

  41. Diana says:

    Okay, so I have made it and it’s simmering on the stove right now and I have got to say that I am skeptical. It makes a HUGE pot and I am so hoping that it is not a waste of my time and money.

    I am entering it into tomorrow’s church chili cookoff. I have come in third the past three years. I am hoping this recipe puts me in the winner’s circle but seriously, when adding the PB and the pumpkin I almost threw up a little bit, as it just seems so gross.

    Fingers crossed.

    • Nick says:

      Almost threw up? That might be the worst review I’ve gotten yet – and you haven’t even tasted it! Although I might have recommended that if the thought of peanut butter and pumpkin make you want to vomit, maybe this isn’t for you. However, the other glowing comments on this recipe speak to the deliciousness, I assure you.

      And I hope you and Sarah (comment #41) aren’t entering the same church chili cook off or you’ll both be tied for first place!

  42. Diana says:

    Okay, so we had the chili for dinner and it’s a good solid chili but . . . one question. On the Carrol Shelby’s spice packet – did you add everything? (The masa, all the salt, the spice packet and the hot pepper?) I only used the spice packet (I have to be careful with the heat as most people at the cookoff don’t like it spicy.) Thanks.

    • Nick says:

      Ah, perhaps I wasn’t too clear on that. I added the spice packet and most of the hot pepper. I used the salt packet “to taste” and with the masa flour, I used some of it, adding it slowly until it reached the perfect consistency. I should update the recipe with that…

      But the real question – “good solid chili” – what exactly does that mean? Better than an 8 out of 10? Better than vomit?

  43. Holly says:

    This is ingenious! I never would have thought to combine chili + peanut butter + pumpkin puree, but it was seriously yummy. Even the bf, who was highly suspicious of the unorthodox ingredients, was won over. The only real deviation I made from the recipe was to add a 12oz bottle of Fat Tire (because beer makes everything better). I wish I’d had some Samuel Adams Octoberfest, but alas, we drank all of our reserves. Thanks for the delicious delicousness, Nick!

  44. MLT says:

    What type of salsa did you use?

  45. Wheelson says:

    Just finished making a batch of this. It is the most amazing chili recipe I’ve ever tried, which I’ve made myself. Thank you so much for sharing.

    For the salsa, I used 2 cans of Herdez Salsa Ranchera. It’s a dark red salsa with a smoky complex flavor that goes well with this chili. Some sriracha sauce dribbled over the top for some heat was also grand. Oh, and I added a tsp of cocoa powder too! Not that it needed it, just something I like to add to chili. Other than that this one’s going in the book.

    • Nick says:

      Ah, cocoa powder, I like that idea! I have to find that salsa too, I’ll be sure to try it next time.

      Thanks for the rave review, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  46. MLT says:

    Made this before Thanksgiving for everybody to eat on when they got tired of turkey. I for sure thought that I would have some to freeze. Nope. Everybody loved it and my nieces gave me two thumbs up! I do, however, want to find a way to add a little more depth to the flavor without adding heat. Great recipe!

    • Nick says:

      Great news! Thanks for letting me know how much you guys enjoyed it. What Chili Seasoning Kit did you use? Carroll Shelby’s or a different one?

  47. MLT says:

    I used Carroll Shelby, but didn’t use the heat packet because of my nieces. Maybe just a little more cumin and chili powder?

    • Nick says:

      Yes, I would suggest more cumin, chili powder and paprika. And for more depth, you could add some cocoa powder (3-4 Tbsp) and cinnamon (1-2 tsp) too!

  48. Joanne says:

    What a fantastic recipe. It sounds wonderful.

  49. Kay N. says:

    What size can of pumpkin did you use….small or large?

  50. Donna says:

    I LOVE this chili!!! It is Awesome!!! Whenever I say I am going to make it…there are cheers throughout the house. It has been at every football game and will be at this weekend for our Super Bowl Party. Actually, I make it at least once a month no matter what is going on.I use a huge pot and transfer it to my crockpot so it’s ready to eat all day, it’s great with Scoops and Fritos. I do use the cocoa powder and add some liquid smoke and brown suger. YUM!!! Thank you for this recipe, my days of looking for the perfect chili recipe are over! Again…Thank You from my entire family!!!

    • Nick says:

      Wow, that is the nicest compliment I have ever gotten! You just made my weekend Donna, thank you so much! I’m so glad your family enjoys it, I really can’t believe how popular this recipe has gotten. I was always searching for the “perfect” chili, and now I don’t make any other kind either! Say hi to the family for me =)

  51. mangopants says:

    Ah. May. Zing.

  52. Oh my freaking god! This sounds awesome. I already think putting peanut butter in pretty much anything instantly makes it taste better. Why I never thought to put it in chili, completely baffles me. I’ve added cocoa and beer to it, why not my beloved peanut butter. THanks for the great idea. I wish I had seen this recipe before Sunday. I definitely would have made it for my Super Bowl party. Oh well. Better late than never.

    • Nick says:

      Yea, but then you would have had to share! Once you try this chili, you’ll never make another, and you’ll want to hoard it all for yourself! Enjoy it Teeny!

  53. Ashley B says:

    I’ve tried chili with peanut butter! Yuuuum. With a fat piece of healthy cornbread on the side-with pb smeared on it of course

  54. Joanne says:

    Oh wow! I’ve seen you make this kind of chili before. Had me drooling then, have me drooling now. Looks great.

  55. Leah says:

    Vegetarian version? :)

  56. Tess says:

    I have used a version of this recipe for over a year and fall in love with it every time I make it. Peanut butter and pumpkin puree are genius ingredients! I will never make a batch of chili without adding them!

    • Nick says:

      I couldn’t agree more Tess! Anyone who eats it can’t necessarily pick out those ingredients but they definitely contribute a lot to the overall flavor and texture. It’s unbeatable.

  57. Katrina says:

    I love chili. My husband “thinks” he doesn’t. I’ll show him. And I won’t tell him about the pb or pumpkin or he won’t even try it. ;)

  58. Nancy says:

    So I rounded up all the ingredients that I could find to make this chili. Sadly I couldn’t find a Carrol Shelby chili kit, so I used a McCormick’s chili mix for the crock pot, since that’s how I’m doing it as suggested in the comments. I’m just curious as to why the black beans were left undrained? I typically drain and seriously rinse my beans since I try to cut back on sodium when I can. Does it do something to enhance the sauce? Just wondering. And I just realized that I misread the recipe and in addition to the chili packet, I added Tablespoons of all chili powder, cumin, and the ancho chili powder. Hoping that won’t ruin it and we do like spice. Thanks for sharing the recipe, and I can’t wait to try it.

    • Nick says:

      Hey Nancy, sorry for my late reply! Any chili mix will do, the variation between them isn’t major.

      The black beans are left undrained to add liquid to the chili. You could drain them and simply add some water, but it won’t have the same flavor. My recommendation would be to get the can of “no sodium” black beans (I know Goya has them) if you’re concerned about sodium levels. Also, the chili packets usually come with a salt packet – just don’t add it. In fact, every ingredient you use, try to get it with lower salt. You can always add salt back at the end.

      And finally, Tablespoons of all the spices? That shouldn’t be a problem! All that means is that you added 2 extra teaspoons of chili powder and ancho chili powder. Plus, since you used the McCormicks, I have a feeling it’ll make it taste closer to having used the Carol Shelby’s =]

      So – did you make it yet? What did you think!?

  59. ronnie v says:

    This was AMAZING! I added a full cup of PB instead of half. And used both ground & stew meat cut VENISON. My friends said ot tasted like fiesta dip.

    • Nick says:

      Awesome, glad you liked it! Full cup of PB was a good choice – I’ll try that next time. I’ve used buffalo but not venison yet. Sounds delicious!

  60. maribel garcia says:

    wao que rico me encanta bendiciones

  61. Travis says:

    Has anyone done this in a crockpot yet? How did you do it and how did it turn out? I’m going to try it tomorrow looking for some insight.

    • Nick says:

      Hey Travis, it works great in the crockpot! The only thing you will notice is that you may get some burned bits on the bottom of the crockpot. 2 ways to avoid this: stirring or cooking for less time.

      I’ve done it for 8 hours on Low without stirring and it had a crust of blackened stuff on the bottom (which, by the way, didn’t taste bad, just made the chili a little “ugly”). So I would recommend just cooking it for 4 hours on Low and possibly stirring half-way through, if possible. Besides that, the flavor is still excellent! Let me know how it works out for you.

  62. Clare says:

    When you say 1 green pepper and 1 red pepper … what kind of peppers are you referring to? Bell peppers? Jalopeno/other kinds of chili peppers?

    Buying the ingredients tonight. Thanks!

  63. Nick says:

    Sorry I forgot to respond yesterday! Yes, bell peppers! Good catch, I’ll update the recipe. Did you wind up making it? How did it come out?

  64. clare says:

    Sorry for another question. Is that 2 cans crushed tomatoes for a total of 28oz or 2 of the 28oz cans of crushed tomatoes?

  65. Big Tasty says:

    Mmmmmm tasty

  66. Pamela says:

    Awe!! Looks delicious and tempting. I liked the ingredients that you had used :)

Links To This Post

  1. Super Bowl Feasts « Living Healthy in the Real World

  2. Manic Monday! » What’s For Dinner?

  3. Super Weird Chili For Your Super Bowl Party

  4. 6th Annual Chili Cook-Off | the20what

  5. Chili Recipes Perfect for the Family Dinner Table - Metro Parent

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