Update: The exhibition is over, click here to see the winners!

The Great Peanut Butter Exhibition has returned for another round! In conjunction with Foodaphilia, I am proud to present the latest and greatest in peanut butter blogging!

In the heat of the summer we’ve decided that the best theme for this PBE is No Bake! What’s you’re favorite way to eat peanut butter cold? Perhaps an explosion of flavor in a Linda Delite or an Ultimate Peanut Butter Sandwich? Mayhap some Peanut Butter Mousse or a nifty Banana Pudding modification. Submit your recipe following the guidelines below and we’ll be rounding up all submissions and choosing a Top 3. The deadline is August 31th @ Noon (PST), a full 24 days from now, which gives you 4 weekends to demonstrate your expertise with our favorite tan-colored paste and flex those non-baking muscles! The Top 3 will be prominently featured, but all entries will be displayed. Winners will receive badges to proudly display their accomplishments!

Of course, the real prizes from the previous Peanut Butter Exhibitions are the recipes themselves. We have yet to receive a recipe that didn’t make us drool. We’re looking forward to another great batch of recipes to round up! The category is quite broad this time but I think we’ll get some excellent & creative recipes. We’re excited for this round, so put on those thinking caps and get in the kitchen!

So sit back, have a margarita and read a book. Then, run to your local grocer, pick up some peanut butter and get those spoons-a-churnin’! Read on for the details…

Submission Details: To enter your recipe, click here to submit online now or email the following information to pbe@peanutbutterboy.com with “PBE #4” as the subject:

Blog Name
Title of Recipe
Recipe Permalink URL or Recipe

Judging Criteria: Peanut Butter Weight, Presentation, Creativity, and Preparation Time.

Other Rules: 1 entry per person, so choose wisely! Pictures are highly recommended but not required. Also, please link back to this page to indicate that you are entering the recipe into this contest. Feel free to use any of the PBE logos to link back here. Good luck to all!

Participating? Use this image to link back here:

Blogless?: Don’t worry if you don’t have a blog, you can still submit your winning recipe. Follow the same procedure above excluding “Blog URL” and “Recipe Permalink URL” and feel free to email the picture along with the recipe!

* Logos courtesy of the talented Kristina Sacci.

Filed in PBE

11 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Anjanette says:

    you have an award on my blog. :)

  2. VeggieGirl says:

    Hooray, another fun exhibition!! :0)

  3. Dee says:

    Yay! I was waiting for this. Well, not the No Bake, the Exhibition :)

    Hey, when are you planning on sharing those fancy new Peanut Butters with us?

  4. Rosiecat says:

    Hurray for the PBE!

    I’m curious to see if all the entries will focus on the sweet side of things or if some contestants will try their hand at a more savory no-bake peanut butter recipe. Have you thought about hosting a PBE that focuses on savory uses of peanut butter?

  5. Sagan says:

    Ooh, can’t wait to see what people come up for this one!

    And that ultimate double decker peanut butter sandwich looks so yummy. I’m kind of really wanting to make one of those right now.

    You always make me hungry.

  6. Ben says:

    Now, this is something I am looking forward to doing. I already know what I want to make :-p

  7. Nick says:

    Anjanette, Thanks! I’ll post about it in my next post!

    Veggiegirl, Yuppers! Hope to see a veg-tastic entry!

    Dee, As soon as I get them I’ll review them and try to replicate them for you guys! Plan on winning this PBE?

    Rosie, I agree. I hope some people try savory dishes. We actually have a huge list of PBE themes but I don’t know if “savory” is on the list, I’ll have to add it. We might have something similar, like a main-course theme but I’ll check. And hopefully some of these crazy new gourmet peanut butters I get are savory ones.

    Sagan, I love the double decker because you can throw whatever you want on it, just be sure to mix it up and vary the textures of everything. They make me hungry too: When I brought it to school for lunch I couldn’t wait until 12:00 to eat because I was so excited about it so I ate it in class at 11:00.

    Ben, Awesome, can’t wait to see it!

  8. We Are Never Full says:

    holy crap – where has this blog been all my life!? i always say if i could bring one food w/ me on a desert island it would be PB. still, to this day, i have peanut butter every morning on toast. i applaud you for this blog!

    I’m going to see if I can get it together before I go on vacation to submit something for this event.

  9. Jade says:

    Hihi, Be keen to participate in the Exhibition. Just one question, ‘No Bake’ but can the peanut butter cooked?

  10. Nick says:

    We Are Never Full, Haha, I’m glad you enjoy it! I agree about the desert island, there is no doubt that peanut butter would make that a heavenly affair =). I still make sure to have PB every morning too, usually in oatmeal or atop pancakes. Hope to see an entry from ya!

    Jade, It’s too hot during the summer time so we’re trying to keep it cool and simple =). Hope to see you enter though!

  11. Carol says:

    I see that I can enter only one submission, but can I make a submission for more than one contest?

    Of course we could allow that if this competition was still underway. It ended Aug 31, 2008 =). The results are here: http://www.peanutbutterboy.com/roundup-peanut-butter-exhibition-4-no-bake/ ~ Nick

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