When I think of peanut butter the first thing that comes to mind is peanut butter and jelly (or jam, to you British). It’s no wonder, considering the average American child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before graduating from high school. Given the popularity of the PB&J along with the call for recipes for The Great Peanut Butter Exhibition #4 – No Bake, I would expect at least one unique take on our favorite sandwich. Perhaps something like my Ultimate Double Decker but no, not one sandwich. Fortunately, the entries were even more interesting than our old pal PB&J (however, one of our winners did manage to shove a PB&J into something!).
This time around we had 16 excellent entries, 4 of which are peanut butter balls, 4 ice cream, 3 bar recipes, 1 pie, 1 dip, 1 mousse, 1 parfait and 1 flavored peanut butter (and a partridge in a pear tree). Keep in mind, since these are all no-bake recipes they are fast and easy to make. Take a look at that picture above and pick out at least 4 recipes that you are going to make. There are a few duplicates because not all entries had pictures so I used some extra pictures from the entries. When e from Foodaphilia and I chose our favorites based on the criteria we discovered we had another tie, this time for 2nd place. Rather than hold a tiebreaker we’ve awarded two 2nd place winners! Of course, don’t forget that there are no real winners because the real prize is the collection of peanut butter recipes and blogs that we’ve collected here.
Now keep reading to see the contenders and winners of the Fourth Peanut Butter Exhibition!
Congratulations to the winners! We loved them all but we had to choose the winners. It’s always difficult to decide, but here are the no-bake masters of the peanut butter domain:
1st Place: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Ice Cream from Lucy at Lucy Draws is much more than shoving a PB&J into some ice cream. Well, maybe not, but it sure looks tasty! This scored perfect in almost every category and the pictures are drool-inducing. This recipe is also vegan and easily made gluten-free. As a bonus, it requires very little added sugar and even incorporates whole-grain bread – a nutritious treat just like my take on Peanut Butter Ice Cream!

2nd Place (1 of 2): The Peanut Butter & Honey Truffles from Maureen at Hold The Gluten wowed us with her simple list of ingredients, easy prep and room for customization. I knew that huge box of instant milk would come in handy someday!

2nd Place (2 of 2): Peanut Butter & Banana Gelato from Ben at What’s Cooking? tied for 2nd place for the always-wonderful combination of peanut butter and banana. The fact that he called it a gelato made it even better and those peanuts certainly seal the deal for me. Drizzle a little melted chocolate on top and you’ve got yourself a nice evening.

3rd Place: The No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Tofu Pie from Kylie at The Baking Bird comes in at a close third. I never saw this one coming, made with tofu and no added sugar – it sounds too good to be true! This one also happens to be vegan, although I’d love to try it with cream cheese.

All Entries:
– Chocolate and Peanut Butter Oat Bars from BakingBlonde
– Peanut Butter Balls also from BakingBlonde
– Classic Hippie No-Bake Peanut Butter Bars from Life, Love and Food
– Raw Granola Bar from Deliciously Gluten Free Cooking
– Bliss Dip from Gluten Free Goodness
– Super Easy Peanut Butter Oreo Mousse from Mochachocolata-Rita
– Double Peanut Butter Ice Cream from Equal Opportunity Kitchen
– Peanut Butter Bites from Gregg Taliercio
– Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls from Debbie via Foodaphilia
– Fresh Peanut Butter Ice Cream from me, The Peanut Butter Boy
Last but not least are 2 recipes submitted via email. The first is a spicy chocolate peanut butter from Curtis Stewart:
Montezooma’s Revenge
16 oz roasted peanuts
1T chipotle chili powder or New Mexico chili powder
1t True Lime lime powder
4T amber agave nec
4oz dark chocolate
1t salt
1/2t habanero powder (optional)
1. Grind the peanuts with the chili powder and lime powder.
2. Add the chocolate, agave nectar and salt to taste.
Second up is a parfait from Cati:
Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Parfait
1 (6oz) container nonfat Greek yogurt
1 ripe banana
1T natural peanut butter
Sprinkle of cinnamon
1/2 cup peanut butter granola (I used Erin Baker’s)
1. Mash the banana with a fork until it looks smooth and glossy and set aside.
2. Stir the peanut butter and cinnamon into the Greek yogurt, then gently fold in the mashed banana.
3. Layer the peanut butter granola and the yogurt mixture in ice cream sundae or parfait glasses (alternatively, toss everything into a bowl).
4. Dig in and tell me it’s not delicious!
Additional Info:
I hope you guys don’t mind but I took the liberty of modifying some of your pictures a little bit, touching them up and evening them out so they are around the same shade and sharpness.
I hope you all enjoyed the roundup! I’ll be sending out snazzy badges to the winners within the next day so you can proudly display your achievement on your site if you wish!
yes, we are the real winners, so many fabulous recipes!! Whaddya know, I’ve got cantaloupe in my fridge right now!
(ps- glad i’m not the only one who has a huge @ss box of instant milk)
Yet another beyond decadent, tantalizing round-up!
These all look scrumptious! But which recipe is associated with the photo that is the third from the top, all the way over to the right? That makes me just want to dive in!
ttfn300, Freeze somma that cantaloupe! And seriously, those instant milk boxes don’t need to be that big, but if you’re in a jam for some dairy it’s not too bad.
Veggiegirl, I’m impressed! Someone beat you to the first comment!
Gharkness, Third from the top on the right is the winner! PB&J ice cream! It's also the top left photo.
Ooh nice collection you have gathered. Wish I had known earlier :(
Great roundup – nice to see more entries coming in. Congrats to the winners.
A little shocked by happiness right now :’D
You gotta know how much this means for me, especially because this is my first food entry, ever! The other entries look so good, how did I ever win? Haha… I can’t wait to try some of these out.
Thanks a lot Nick! I can’t wait for the next PBE.
It all looks so wonderful! I love these exhibitions; so many good PB recipes to experiment with (and pretty photos to look at:)).
Wow, what a beautiful roundup. I now have more recipes to try. Congratulations to all the participants and winners :D
A great roundup! I love Peanut Butter and always make sure that I have a full pot waiting to get used!!!
I have to send this round-up to my best friend. She will be one happy woman.
Divya, Next time for sure!
Lucy, Excellent work Lucy, I was honestly blown away by your entry, it just seemed so simple but decadent at the same time. Seriously, I need an ice cream maker!!!
Sagan, I know, I love all the creative ideas people come up with! Plus these ones are ultra-easy to make because no cooking is required!
Ben, Congratulations to you!
Rosa, Ditto, except I always have 5 jars ready to be used at any given time =).
Cynthia, You can’t beat a collection of delicious easy-to-make recipes!
Every time I visit you I get so hungry, everything looks so decadent. I will take one of each, please. I gave you an award, I hope you’ll come visit my blog to claim it!
Congatulations to all the winners! Honestly, I can’t imagine how you and e managed to choose with so many dazzling entries. I’m also kicking myself for not being able to think up anything remotely as creative. Excellent job of the round-up, Nick!
OH my goodness! I do not know which recipe to start with! I will be dreaming of PB tonight for sure!