Update: The exhibition is over, click here to see the winners!

Come one, come all! The Great Peanut Butter Exhibition has come to town! In conjunction with The Chocolate Peanut Butter Gallery and Foodaphilia, I am proud to present the latest and greatest in peanut butter blogging! It’s time to show off your skills and your love affair with peanut butter!

The theme for the first PBE is cookies! Do you have what it takes to create the best peanut-butter-containing cookie? Submit your cookie recipe following the guidelines below and we’ll be rounding up any and all recipes. The deadline is April 28th @ Noon (PST). That gives you a full two weeks from now to demonstrate your expertise with our favorite tan-colored paste and flex those baking muscles! The judges will choose a Top 3 that will be prominently featured, but all entries will be displayed. Since this is the first exhibition the only prize this time is a winners logo to place on your site, but if we get a good response there will be actual prizes for future events! Don’t like cookies? We’ll be choosing a new theme every month!

For some inspiration, check out my original Peanut Butter Cookies and Cinnamon Raisin Peanut Butter Cookies. Plain-old peanut butter cookies are good but get creative! Let’s get those spoons-a-churnin’ and make some peanut butter history! Read on for the details…

Submission Details: To enter your recipe, please submit the following information to pbe@peanutbutterboy.com with “PBE #1” as the subject:

Blog URL
Title of Recipe
Recipe or Recipe Permalink URL

Judging Criteria: Uniqueness, Peanut Butter Weight, Drool Factor, Preparation Time

Other Rules: 1 entry per person, so choose wisely and only submit your own recipes, no stealing! Pictures are highly recommended, but not required. Also, please link back to this page to indicate that you are entering the recipe into this contest. Feel free to use any of the PBE logos to link back here. Good luck to all!

Participating? Use this image to link back here:

Blogless?: Don’t worry if you don’t have a blog, you can still submit your winning recipe. Follow the same procedure above excluding “Blog URL” and “Recipe Permalink URL” and feel free to email the picture along with the recipe!

* Logos courtesy of the talented Kristina Sacci.

Filed in PBE

27 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Celine says:

    can’t wait to see the goodies that are gonna come out of this!

  2. Rosiecat says:

    What a fun idea! I have a favorite recipe in mind, and I’ve been just dying for a reason to write about it.

    Plus now I have an excuse to bake some peanut butter cookies! This time I’ll have to make sure I perfect the recipe.

    Thanks for the nudge, Nick. Much appreciated!

  3. kristina says:

    Nice post! Can’t wait to drool over my keyboard while reading submissions.

  4. daphne says:

    oh my.. what shld i make! haha.

  5. Naomi Devlin says:

    Nick, could I submit a recipe using a different nut butter. It’s just that I have had to take a temporary holiday from peanut butter as it is too hard to digest – being really a legume and not a nut at all.

    But I can still eat, hazelnut butter (amazing – surely a natural for chocolate nut butter?) Almond butter (dark and satisfying), Pecan butter (outrageously good with maple syrup), sunbutter (slightly scarily grey which is why they can it sunbutter) and brazilnut butter (just really buttery)…

    Please say I can join in – I’m dying to make cookies…

    x x x

  6. oatmeal says:

    Oh that’s the most delicious idea ever! Peanut butter + cookie = best combo ever. I wish I didn’t have exams so I could submit stuff as well!

  7. foodiedani says:

    How cool! Now, if I can think of a recipe!!

  8. downhomedieting says:

    I just posted my entry…PB Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies.

    I’m excited to see what kind of response you get.

    Have a great day!

  9. RecipeGirl says:

    I’ll have to think about a creative idea for this one. You don’t just want to get a bunch of pb cookies, do you? Well, I imagine that would be ok with you. But I’ll try to dig up something fun :)

  10. VeggieGirl says:

    oh my goodness, this is a FABULOUS contest!!! the entries you’ll receive will be, undoubtedly, spectacular.

  11. aforkfulofspaghetti says:

    I’d love to participate – but I still won’t have a kitchen by the 28th… I look forward to seeing all the entries, though, and to trying them soon…

  12. Tina says:

    Oh man… I need to think of a recipe!

  13. Nick says:

    Hey all, I hope you all enter if it is possible. Also, you can enter a recipe you already have created and/or posted about, just send the link along.

    We’re not looking for the same old peanut butter cookie from everyone, get creative!

    I can’t wait to see your entries rosiecat, daphne, naomi, dani, recipegirl, veggiegirl and tina!

  14. Anonymous says:

    i ground up peanut butter puffins into a pie crust. My fav. peanut butter cookie is peanut butter smores. These are yummy! They are square shaped too and ginormous.

  15. Kevin and Katrina says:

    Just for fun, check out the new Pillsbury Bake Off winning recipe–it’s a peanut butter cookie! Enjoy!

  16. karuna says:

    this sounds fun.i just bought a whole jar of peanut butter, the other day….its time to use it…yuhooo

  17. kdubz says:

    You’re in Cali, right? Try this list:

    I swear it’s the flax that makes it so amazing.

  18. Lisa says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I am slaving away in the kitchen with my jar of peanut butter! I don’t know if I’m cut out to do this or not as my the first two ideas ended up in the waste basket! LOL! But, I’m determined to come up with a GF..licious PB cookie! So we’ll see what happens!

    Lisa :)

  19. chou says:

    Cookie love, here I come!

  20. Melissa says:

    Hey PB Boy! I read your blog daily and I just started my own – was just wondering if you mind me adding your site to my blogroll??

  21. Nick says:

    karuna & chou, can’t wait to see your entries!

    kdubz, I found that list, but I tried one store so far and they didn’t have it =/. I’ll keep checking though!

    Lisa, you get an A for effort in my book, but keep it up, you’ll get there!

    Melissa, but of course! I’m so glad you enjoy my blog so much fellow peanut-butter-lover.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I only recently discovered the delights of peanut butter cookies – and it is an addictive delight indeed!

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  23. Hendersonville Epicurean says:

    How timely! I was going to your blog to ask what your favorite pb cookie recipe was and if you’d post it!!

    Great idea. Can’t wait to see who the winner is.

  24. Cakelaw says:

    Fab suggestion – I’ll see if I can come up with saomething.

  25. Dee says:

    i just made a jar of spiced chocolate peanut butter and when I saw your post I had (had!) to whip up a batch of cookies. what a great excuse to binge :)

  26. Mark Boxshus "Cookie Doctor" says:

    WOW. I just came across your site today, and would have loved to submit my Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe. However, I realize that the deadline to submit is closely in momentarily, so I’ll have to wait for a future opportunity. In the meantime, I can’t wait to view the submissions. In addition to being a “chocoholilc”, I ADORE GREAT Peanut Butter. YUM! So glad I found you!

  27. Mark Boxshus "Cookie Doctor" says:

    Hey Nick

    Well, as you know…….I did it……LOL Glad I could participate. At the very least, I’ve been munching away quite happily now for the past several hours. Who knows, you might even give me a “Peanut Butter High 5” for Last Minute Submissions…..LOL!

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