2 lbs strawberries, washed
1 (8oz) container cream cheese
2 Tbsp sugar
1 oz dark chocolate
2 plastic bags
Directions:1. Mix the cream cheese in sugar in a bowl. Scoop the mixture into one of the plastic bags. Microwave the dark chocolate in a small bowl on medium power for 60-90 seconds, checking every 20 seconds and stirring. Pour this into the other plastic bag.
2. Cut the tops off the strawberries to make a flat base. Then cut the tip off to make the santa hat. Use the knife to scoop out some of the strawberry so you can fit some cream cheese in there. Repeat for all strawberries.
3. Cut a small hole in the corner of the cream cheese bag and a really small hole in the chocolate bag. Squeeze the bag to fill each strawberry with cream cheese, then top with the santa hat. Add a drop of cream cheese on top of the hat and two dots on the front of the strawberry. Then add two chocolate drops for eyes.
4. Refrigerate quickly since warm cream cheese doesn’t hold its shape as well. Pop in your mouth and enjoy!
Additional Info:
Happy wife enjoying her own creation:
Oh so cute! The Santa and the holder. Merry Christmas to the 2 of you!
Aw, I love this idea! Wish I had seen this before doing my Christmas supermarket shop, will definitely have to save this one to make next year.
Merry Christmas!
Hungry Jenny x
Love it!!! Such a cute idea!