If you need a unique dessert that’s guaranteed to please, look no further. The recipe is derived from the Southern Style Banana Pudding that is so popular, I have to bring it everywhere I go. This is a festive and seasonal remix of that classic and delicious recipe. It takes only minutes to prepare and you’ll enjoy serving this light and guiltless dessert to your friends and family. No matter how much you eat for dinner, there will always be room for this.



1. In a large bowl, whisk together the whipped topping, yogurt, pumpkin puree, peanut butter, cinnamon and nutmeg until well mixed. Then, whisk in the milk. Finally, whisk in the instant pudding powder until no clumps remain.

2. Line the bottom of an 8×13 glass baking dish with a single layer of ginger snaps, breaking them as necessary to completely cover the bottom.

3. Cover the ginger snaps with about 1/3 of the pudding and top with a layer of banana slices. Top with a new layer of ginger snaps and repeat until all of the ingredients are gone. Decorate the top with shards of ginger snaps sticking out, fresh berries or dark chocolate shavings.

4. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes but preferably overnight to allow the ginger snaps to soften.

Filed in Dessert, Peanut Butter, Snack

27 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Sharon says:

    Wow, thanks for sharing the neat recipe! -lol-

    And hurray for a new pb jar! Do you happen to have a huge stash of different pbs?

    Here is my old collection, it’s probably about the same size now but much more variety in the jars. I like to consider it a “collection”, one that I’m proud of =) ~ Nick

  2. Mark Boxshus says:

    Hey Nick

    This looks very delicious. Funny you should profile a jar of “Teddie Peanut Butter”. I was a sales manager for that company many years ago. It brings back so many memories.


    That’s crazy, any tips on where to get it on the west coast? I want to get some more! ~ Nick

  3. Katrina says:

    That looks really good. Love the broken up grahams on top!

  4. yasmeen says:

    Truly a guilt-free indulgent pudding!

  5. ttfn300 says:

    hmm, if only I could convince my grandfather to branch out :) i’ll just have to do it another time!!

  6. VeggieGirl says:


  7. heather says:

    mmm yum! looks delicious :) you seem to have quite the collection of peanut butters!!! maybe your supply of PB is what makes you so irresistable to small children ;)

  8. Looks absolutely delicious, Nick! I was considering making a pudding for thanksgiving dessert..this one is definetly on my radar now!!

  9. anudivya says:

    That is totally yum! I am a huge fan of ginger snaps, so that would be my crust if I make it.

  10. Pumpkin must marry really well with pb! And horry for the low fatness!

  11. Megan says:

    This looks delicious! I love all the little graham crackers sticking up of it!

  12. Reeni says:

    What a great combination. I wish I could reach in and grab a graham with a big scoop of pudding, yum!

  13. I’m speechless … another fabulous creation! This looks amazing!! YUM!

  14. Sagan says:

    Yummy! I like the PB and pumpkin combo.

    I have such a weakness for graham crackers.

  15. Joanna says:

    this is such a cool dish. i never associate pb and pumpkin, but i would definitely try this dish at thanksgiving… or anywhere.

  16. Bren says:

    what am I ever going to do with you? all this goodness can only make me fat and cause really oily skin! but geesh it’s allllll sooooo darrrrrrrn gooooooodddddd!

    That’s perfect! Any excess oil on the skin from eating too much peanut butter can simply be reused, and I bet you’d smell of freshly roasted peanuts! ~ Nick

  17. Cakespy says:

    Now that’s what I am talking about. LOVE it!

  18. Abby says:

    Another fave snack? Peanut butter and graham crackers – my mom gave it to us ALL the time when we were kids! (I still eat it, too!)

    So of course I need to try this recipe. Of course.

  19. zestycook says:

    Very cool recipe Nick. I will have to try this.
    thanks for sharing

  20. grace says:

    i love your southern style banana pudding, and i think this twist would be a wonderfully unique thanksgiving dessert! and can i just say, hooray for greek yogurt. :)

  21. rachel says:

    Now that is an inspiring combination…

  22. Maria says:

    I love the looks of this pudding!

  23. Gera says:

    Hi Nick!

    Great recipe..really you’re the peanut butter boy..all the information about it is here!

    Gera .:. sweetsfoods

  24. Sounds so yummy, I could swap out the grahm crackers for gluten free and I’d be all set. SO low in fat too. Great dish!

  25. Elle says:

    Oh my gosh, that looks awesome!

  26. looking good! and you know what? i’ve tried making my own home made peanut butter, yay! hehehe

  27. Mike Benton says:

    You can buy Teddie Peanut Butter online now (buyteddieonline.com).

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