I just got married! After asking her about 12 times to marry me, she finally said yes! Elisabeth has agreed to spend the next 92 years of her life with me (after all, peanut butter is a miraculous food). From start to finish, our wedding was perfect; Location, weather, guests, food and drinks were better than we could have imagined. Want to know how it’s done? Just follow these simple instructions:


1 Beautiful Bride (preferably not store-bought)
1 Suave Groom (with cold feet removed)


1. First and foremost, A Perfect Engagement is required.

2. Pick an excellent venue. Our choice was Fortino Winery.

3. Keep the bride happy and smiling at all times. This step is VERY important.

4. Dance your asses off (pics coming). Removing shirt is optional, but not recommended (unfortunately, pics of this are coming too).

5. Serve the best champagne you’ve never heard of, Fortino’s ALMOND Champagne:

6. Party like there’s no tomorrow!

Filed in Other

36 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. liketocook says:


  2. Evan Thomas says:

    Congratulations, Nick!

  3. Woohoo! Congratulations and beautiful pictures!

  4. Anna W. says:

    Congrats! Lovely couple!

  5. Julia Mason says:

    Congratulations Nick! I hope you and Elizabeth have along and happy marriage. My hubby and I are coming up on our 38th in Jan 2013.

  6. Debbie says:

    I LOOOOOVE this post!!! What a gorgeous couple you are!! Can’t wait for the continuing pictures of your magical day!

    So, was something served for your wedding that involved peanut butter? :-O

    • Nick says:

      Thanks so much Debbie! I guess I probably should post some more pictures of my killer dance moves…

      You know, the only thing served at the wedding with peanut butter was a chicken satay with peanut sauce. Unfortunately, they didn’t put NEARLY enough sauce on the skewers so it was a little disappointing. Fortunately, I brought my own little jar of peanut butter to the event to slather on the insanely good cake =)

  7. DeniseH says:

    What a beautiful bride and a handsome groom. Congratulation!!!

    • Nick says:

      Thank you Denise! And how strange, you have the same first name and last initial of my new mother in law (her comment is right below yours)!

  8. Denise says:

    I love your recipe. Yes, it could not have been much better. Welcome to the family!

    hum-another DeniseH

  9. Octavio J. Perez says:

    Great wedding! Fun times! Congratulations to you both!!

  10. tammy d. says:

    Congrats to both of you!!!

  11. Victor Perez says:

    I had so much fun watching all those fancy dancing moves my family and friends did. Zachary would not let me rest everytime I was going to sit down he would come and say come on TaTa lets dance.
    I cannot remember the last time I had so much fun.

    Thank you, love you guys

  12. Gongpayoon says:

    As a fan of your blog, congratulations on your big day. I wonder if there were some menu in your wedding party that made from peanut better. :)

    • Nick says:

      Haha, thank you! We actually had chicken satay with peanut sauce, but there wasn’t enough peanut sauce on them! Luckily, I brought a small jar of peanut butter to the wedding for myself =)

  13. Rachel says:

    :D Wow, what a great time to visit the peanut butter boy’s website. God bless you and your marriage!

  14. Lisa says:

    Congratulations! :) I wish you many years of health, happiness, and tons of blessings!

  15. Hungry Jenny says:

    Ah, what a lovely picture of happiness that is – massive congratulations to you both!

    Hungry Jenny x

  16. Pamela says:

    Congratulations! I just found your site TODAY and it it awesome! I love-love-love peanut butter. And I just got married in August too — it’s meant to be : )

    • Nick says:

      Thanks Pamela! Welcome to the club! If you have any recipes/tips/questions/comments just click that big Contact button at the top!

      Who needs Peanut Butter + Jelly when you’ve got Peanut Butter + Love!

  17. Diane Sanchez says:

    Great recipe for a great life.

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