Check it out! The next batch of Peanut Butter Boy has been produced! We haven’t changed the product itself, but we gave the labels a minor overhaul. Same overall style but the Super Smooth has a drastically different color scheme as you can see above. We also added a few new tidbits here and there, and corrected the sodium content on the nutrition facts (the labels originally stated 140mg, but the product only has 125mg). That photo is just a behind-the-scenes undercover shot from the factory, but I’ll have a close-up photo soon! Once I do, I’ll run a recipe contest and giveaway of our new product! Stay tuned.

We also just got in with a distributor. In the next few months, we hope to spread along the East Coast and then across the country! By early next week, the new batch will be ready to ship and be in stores shortly after! Check out our list of retail locations or place your online order now to be first in line!

Filed in Other, Peanut Butter

4 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Katrina says:

    Awesome! Congrats, Nick!

  2. Chuck says:

    That’s awesome! Way to go Nick!

  3. Denise says:

    Yeah!! I can’t wait for your peanut butter to “spread” across the country.

  4. Rj says:

    Who is your manufacturer?

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