Updated from the archives. Enjoy!

Have you ever had a corndog? I haven’t, at least not until I made these puppies. I’ve seen them at street fairs and county fairs but never got to experience one. Recently, some friends were talking about a restaurant chain called “Hot Dog on a Stick” that I, being an East Coaster, had never heard of. They were discussing how good the corn dogs were and since then, I began craving them. Soon after, I flipped on the Food Channel and saw a show all about “Hot Dog on a Stick”. The cravings intensified. I set out to make my own, but I wanted them to be different. I opted to attempt a baked version, but a good “baked corndog” recipe is difficult to find. I assumed that the coating was basically a variant of cornbread and could be baked in a similar fashion. So I simply modified my Peanut Butter Cornbread recipe to coat these hotdogs, and it was great! I suppose I have nothing to compare it to, but it was moist and flavorful and the hint of peanut butter was a pleasant surprise.

The recipe below is almost identical to the Peanut Butter Cornbread batter except that the amount of liquid is reduced to make it thicker. Depending on the peanut butter you use, you may need to adjust the liquid to get a nice thick batter.


1 1/2 cups masa harina (or cornmeal)
1/2 cup whole wheat flour (or more cornmeal)
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 Tbsp honey
1 1/3 cups dairy or almond milk
1/2 cup creamy natural peanut butter w/ salt

2 packages hotdogs
popsicle sticks or chopsticks


1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Mix the dry ingredients (first four) in a large bowl and combine the wet ingredients (honey, milk and peanut butter) in a medium bowl. Pour the wet into the dry and mix well.

2. Insert a wooden stick into the hot dog, at least half way through. Dip into the batter and spin around a couple of times. Use a knife to spread on more batter if necessary. Place finished corndogs on tinfoil and immediately place in the oven so the batter doesn’t drip to the bottom. Bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until a nice medium-brown color develops on top.

3. Dip into ketchup and/or honey dijon, yum!

Additional Info:

I use Hebrew National 97% Fat-Free Hotdogs because according to Dan Aykroyd in “The Great Outdoors”, hotdogs are made from “lips and assholes”. Hopefully these ones have a little less of that and a little more meat.

Filed in Main Course, Peanut Butter, Snack

17 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Celine says:

    and I’m from another planet? ;)

  2. Naomi Devlin says:

    Oh my God – a sausage on a stick, a sausage lollypop!

    This looks like a great idea, I’m thinking of trying something similar myself now with homemade sausage meat – I don’t mind about the lips and assholes as long as they are organic, it’s the rest of the stuff they put in that bothers me.

    x x x

  3. Flanboyant Eats says:

    ur going to become my internet boy toy with your own tauntings!!! lol.

    corn dog out of peanut butter? i don’t remember the last time i had such child like treats. i hope you’re writing a book!

    thanks for your comment. it was classic! but i’ll keep taunting you too! Guess where I’m off to next for a week of indulgence in spa treatments and more gourmet wining and dining??? if you answer correct i’ll make sure you bring you specifically something…


    In the Caribbean Sea I’m known to have a Dutch and French Side. Some tell me my French side is best when you take a picture of me, but I’m not really partial. I look good on either side.

  4. debbyd says:

    Hi Nick, Nice to have met you and your girl yesterday. I loved the sauce, It was balanced very well. Let Elizabeth know I will post the mini potatoe recipe today. :)oh and the meatballs were yummee

  5. chou says:

    Wow. Brilliant idea. I haven’t eaten a corndog for ages . . . not certain I’m convinced to try one again (unless it’s from fresh made sausage a la Naomi), but if I do, it’ll have to be your recipe.

  6. Eileen and Sue says:

    Nice meeting you and your girlfriend at the potluck.. your meatballs were delishious. I think there are pictures on several of the blogs, mine included-didn’t get a shot of the peaunut sauce though.
    This corndog sounds good. I’ll try it out on my granddaughter. I’ll let you know how it goes over.

  7. VeggieGirl says:

    Sounds like you had a fun potluck!

    Haha oh man, corn dogs bring me back to my childhood – this was obviously WAAAY before I became a vegan :0)

  8. Nick says:

    Celine, Haha, ok so perhaps I spoke too soon =).

    Naomi, Yea, I still would rather use homemade sausage meat. Is Hebrew National organic? I doubt it, but at least Kosher foods have more strict guidelines. It really worked out better than I thought. I truly believe that either the batter would just fall off the hotdog or would taste awful, but neither happened!

    Bren, I should write a book! There’s a few peanut butter cookbooks out there, but I’d love to create a newer/better/innovative one. Instead of bringing me something, just bring me! Did you just make up that riddle yourself? I’m gonna go figure it out…

    Chou, You know, I bet it would also be great with some of that GimmeLean Beef or Sausage Style soy-based meat. If you shaped it into a hotdog shape and did everything else the same, I bet it’d be terrific!

    veggiegirl, See above note…maybe some sort of meat replacement molded into a hotdog shape? I’ll try it next.

  9. RecipeGirl says:

    I use Hebrew Nationals too (or Nathan’s.) My husband is from Connecticut, where they grew up with Maple Leaf hot dogs.

    What a fun idea to make your own corndogs. And of course you found a way to put peanut butter in them :)

  10. Sara says:

    Peanut butter is my life’s blood! I love it. And I love your blog! Can’t wait to try some of your recipes.

  11. cakegrrl2007 says:

    addicted to PB. cute blog, Nick. Saw you at the potluck, but did not officially meet. talk soon.


  12. Julie says:

    Hey there Nick!

    I just left you a little award on my site (it’s in today’s post). I’m still really enjoying all of your PB creations!


  13. Mochachocolata Rita says:

    another innovative way to use PB. Oppps, you got a rita on your corndog!

  14. Carla says:

    Peanut butter corndogs? Crazy! I must try these some day.

    Also, you are tagged.

  15. Nick says:

    recipegirl, Hebrew National’s really are tasty. Well, once I had the idea for peanut butter cornbread and I found hotdogs in the fridge….they sort of made themselves =).

    sara, Glad you enjoy it! If you love peanut butter anywhere near as much as me, I urge you to try my recipes, you’ll love them!

    cakegrrl, Glad you enjoy the finer things in life as well =). There were a lot of people there, hopefully we’ll meet next time!

    Julie, Thanks! I’ll be displaying my award and presenting others with it in my next post!

    Rita, Can you get hotdogs over there? I would imagine so, but I feel like it’s a very American thing.

    Carla, Tagged again! I’ll post it with my award from above =).

  16. iron chef says:

    could this be done without honey?

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