Happy National Peanut Month! Some genius, many years ago, decided that March is officially National Peanut Month. On top of that – today, March 1st, is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day! That’s so many peanuts I can hardly contain myself! I’m so excited about it that I’ve decided to do a weekly giveaway for the entire month of March! Each week this month I’ll give away 2 jars of Peanut Butter Boy peanut butter to 1 lucky winner. Would you run a marathon for a chance to win 2 jars of the best peanut butter in the galaxy? I would, but luckily you don’t have to. Read on and find out how to get two entries for this week’s drawing.

How to Enter:

Say Hello (1) Simply leave a comment below. Let me know what you think of our label, or share a favorite recipe, or just say hello! Just make sure you use your real email address. Bam! You’ve got your first entry.

Like PBB (1) On Facebook? Like Peanut Butter Boy? Prove it! Just click the Like button below. Then, leave a separate comment saying you did it (or if you already Like PBB on Facebook)! Alternatively, you can go directly to Peanut Butter Boy on Facebook and click Like there.

* Only residents of the United States can win. Currently we’re unable to ship out of the country, but we’re working on it!

Additional Info:

The winner for Week 1 will be chosen randomly on Friday, March 8th. Be sure to check back each week for the next giveaway!

Filed in Other, Peanut Butter

93 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Rachel says:

    My favorite recipe for peanut butter is…any recipe with peanut butter in it! And a few that don’t but I add it anyway. Thanks for the chance to win and try the product!

  2. MJ says:

    Love the label! Does Peanut Butter Boy have any super powers? Eating an entire jar in one spoonful, perhaps?

    Thanks for the giveaway. Happy PB Lovers Day!

  3. Tamra says:

    My favourite way of eating peanut butter has always been a pb and banana panini of sorts! We have a panini press at home and I love to smear on some peanut butter on a tortilla or a couple of slices of bread (whole wheat/whole grain of course!) and pop on some banana slices and heat that stuff up! Adding a dash of cinnamon is always a good call too :)

    • Nick says:

      Agreed, I love a warm and toasty peanut butter and banana sandwich – the bananas get all sugary and mushy and the peanut butter is hot and gooey. Can’t beat it!

  4. Whitney says:

    The label is so awesome! I gave up all “nuts” (and their butters) for lent, and it has been WAAAAAAY harder than expected. Looking forward to the end.

  5. Clare says:

    One of my favorite snacks is crunchy peanut butter on apple slices… mmmm.

  6. Lisa! says:

    I am so excited about your PB! I love your blog and I can’t wait to see what new stuff you’ll come up with! =)

  7. Lisa! says:

    I can’t believe I hadn’t already liked you on FB! But I remedied that, right quick! =)

  8. Chris Sorel says:

    enjoy the label and enjoy PB anyway

  9. Chris Sorel says:

    like you on FB and love to try your stuff

  10. Casey says:

    Hello, I love your blog! I’ll never get sick of all things peanut butter. I do like the label because it is unique and original.

  11. Casey says:

    Liked you on FB

  12. Monica says:

    I really like your label! It’s fun and very appealing. Plus I think your PB has lots of oomph behind it because you’ve reviewed so many other brands for so long. People will know you’ve got taste, haha. & thanks for the giveaway! :)

    • Nick says:

      Thanks Monica – I like to think I have some “expertise” in the field of peanut butter. Hopefully that shines through in my peanut butter!

  13. Monica says:

    & I liked you on FB!

  14. kristen @ livinlifeinlouie says:

    I love the label!

  15. AmyH says:

    Goodness, I’ve been sitting here trying to narrow down my favorite peanut butter recipe, and I just don’t think it can be done. I’d have to say that the peanut butter and chocolate combination is awesome though.

  16. AmyH says:

    I “liked” you on Facebook as well!

  17. Jeannette (me) says:

    Seriously, I won’t lie… I’ll pretty much do anything for some PB. I just found your blog yesterday and I cannot WAIT to delve into some of these recipes!!

  18. Juli says:

    Nick, you and PB boy PB are destined to turn the PB world upside down. Congrats! The label is awesome.

  19. Jeannette (me) says:

    Like you on Facebook what whaaaaaat

  20. Brian says:

    Thanks for helping us to celebrate Peanut Butter Month!

  21. Spartyharty says:

    hi! A day without peanut butter is a sad sad day… Love your blog and will try your Pb soon! The hominy Pb oatmeal recipe? $

  22. Lubird says:

    OK, OK – this is grand news. I am sooo in for this giveaway. Love Peanut Butter AND so love the new recipes and experiements shared out here. Oh yeah, and the label is so fun and retro. How could one not like the super hero feel?

  23. Lubird says:

    Like (Love) on FAcebook and shared it to all my cyber friends. Now headed to Twitter to assure all my twits are aware. Thanks for the opportunity.

  24. Marissa says:


  25. matthew b says:

    I llke you on the FACEBOOK!

  26. matthew b says:

    i like cheese, and your label

  27. Katrina says:

    You already know I love the label on your pb and the Super Smooth, Crunch Power names. All so clever. Can’t wait to try it!

  28. Katrina says:

    Already like PBB on FB.

  29. Leigh Ann Stephens says:

    Love Peanut Butter Boy! Always look forward to the newsletter!

  30. Susan Christy says:

    This weekend, I am baking peanut butter bars with oatmeal and chocolate chips. Might put a cream cheese layer in there somewhere too.

  31. Susan Christy says:

    And I like you on Facebook!

  32. Lauren says:

    Hi and congratulations on your new peanut butter company! I can’t wait to try it. I’ll most likely it by the spoonful-yum!

  33. marlene perez says:

    I want a jar of the smooth!Ymmm

  34. beastmomma says:

    Very excited for you and happy to enter the giveaway. From your site, my favorite recipe is easy enchiladas. I like that your logo looks both slightly mischievous and incredibly endearing.

  35. Leah says:

    I am smilin’… send you a recipe? What a novel idea. Who would have thunk? Hope you are smilin’, too!
    All the best to you and all you love,

  36. Garrett says:

    Been following the blog for years, would love to try the new brand!

  37. Kaela says:

    I love your blog! Your reviews of pb are great.

  38. Andrea M says:

    What a great giveaway! Ever since you came out with your own I was so excited to try it – and I like the label, such a fan of superhero themes :D. Also, I so love the fact that you are so prominent in the blogging community, seems like males are less involved and I love that you are. Keep posting! and thanks!

  39. tammy d. says:

    Looks great!

  40. Leah says:


  41. Lori Z says:

    I think your label is catchy!

  42. betsy says:

    My favorite recipe and time for peanut butter is when I get home from a harder than usual work day (I work in the hospitality business)and I am just to stressed out to cook. Then I just grab a large peice of french bread, slather on the peanut butter and top it with some homemade rasberry jam! Makes me forget the grouchy people real fast!

  43. Heidi says:

    I liked you on facebook

  44. Elena Vo says:

    Thanks for the fun giveaway! My favorite recipe using peanut butter is Thai peanut noodles…that was my favorite during college and even today!

  45. Elena Vo says:

    Liked you guys on Facebook!

  46. Rachel says:

    I’ve been following your blog for years. I love the product reviews, and can’t wait to try your brand!

  47. Liz Blunt says:

    I’m a real peanut butter lover! I even mix it in my granola.

  48. Ali says:

    I love the label and am dying to try your PB!!! Choose me!

  49. Chuck says:

    You know I’m entering this!

  50. Chuck says:

    Liked PBB on Facebook!

  51. alex says:

    i love it!! congrats to you!

  52. Emily says:

    Oh, HELLO, PBB! My favorite recipe is the one I got from your website and am using RIGHT NOW to marinate chicken for dinner! It’s the delicious peanut butter marinade!

  53. Anna W. says:

    love the superhero label!

  54. Anna W. says:

    i like PBB on FB!

  55. Holly Ellerton says:

    I love all natural peanut butter. The best way is straight from the jar!
    But I love my chocolate PB overnight oats, PB granola, and my special dark PB bites.
    Your super hero is very cute.

  56. Holly Ellerton says:

    I liked you on Facebook too…

  57. Rafi Zakian says:

    I hate peanut butter… the stuff blows.

  58. Michael Phipps says:

    Awesome Label. He reminds me of Quailman a little. My favorite recipe with peanut butter is:
    1. Spoon
    2. Peanut Butter
    3. Stomach


  59. Octavio Perez says:

    Finally! Your plan to take over the world with your peanut butter is coming true! the label looks innocent enough, but we all know your real plan! Can’t wait to taste it Peanut Butter Boy!

  60. Tracy says:

    I’ve been following your blog for a long time. Glad to see you’ve launched your own product. Love the label and look forward to trying it out!

  61. dan says:

    Way to go Nick!

  62. Jeffrey says:

    Love the label and so do my kids. It’s not really a recipe but I love peanut butter smeared on apple slices.

  63. Jeffrey says:

    I like your Facebook page.

  64. Tristan says:

    I would eat PB all day every day if I could! It has been my staple food since I was 2 years old. PB has always been a super food to me long before the experts said so. Liked you on face book so I can keep tabs on your delicious recipes. I’m hoping Peanut Butter Boy will ‘fly’ into my home and rescue me from my PB cravings!

  65. Lesley says:

    Love the label!

  66. Lucas Biggio says:

    loving da buddah baby

  67. Amanda J says:

    Hi! Thanks for the contest! I’m always looking for more natural peanut butters to try. I love to use peanut butter with some dried fruit, cocoa powder and a bit of maple syrup to make some super yummy (and healthy) energy bites!

  68. Shannon says:

    So glad to see your dream has become reality! Label is pretty awesome :) Can’t wait to try the crunchy!!

  69. Shannon says:

    liked you on FB!

  70. Shauna says:

    I love your site, and would love to try your PB too!!

  71. Heather says:

    I really like the image of the super hero on the PB label! It’s really cute and I think it’ll be a hit for both kids and people who like catchy throw-back labels :)

    And I can’t wait to try the crunchy PB! It’ll be so delicious in making granola (like crunchy peanut butter cookie granola!)

  72. Quincy says:

    Im a peanut butter craving fiend and was happy when I came across this website one day while googling for peanut butter reviews, trying to find the best peanut butter locally and from amazon. The actual day I found the site was the first day you were accepting preorders for your peanut butter. I really wanna try it but hasn’t been in my budget recently, sooner or later your peanut butter will be on my dinner table! Can’t wait lol

  73. manda says:

    Love the label and great giveaway!

  74. manda says:

    I like you on FB!

  75. Catherine says:

    I love your label design and think kids would especially like it.

  76. Ryan says:

    Love peanut butter banana sandwiches. also mixed in with oatmeal and smoothies. But really peanut butter is great just by itself

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