It’s official – this collection of 1 minute recipes is now called Express Eats. Welcome to the third installment. I can’t take full credit for this one since a buddy suggested I try peanut butter and granola on banana slices. I took the idea and ran with it! This is pretty straightforward (I guess all of the Express Eats are) but I’ve never thought of it before. It’s a perfect snack for kids and you can get really creative with it. To be honest, I had almost as much fun making it as I did eating it. That’s a lie, it was like 4 different parties in my mouth. Got an Express Eats idea? Send me some suggestions!


1 banana
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
toppings: granola, müesli, almonds, chocolate chips, sliced strawberries, marshmallows, coconut, graham crackers, flax seed or just more peanut butter


1. Break the banana into 1″ bite-sized chunks with your hands (don’t use a knife, or the peanut butter won’t stick to the banana).

2. Plop about 2 tsp peanut butter onto each bite.

3. Top with your favorite toppings.

4. (Optional) Pop in the freezer for 15 minutes before consumption.

Filed in Breakfast, Done in 60 Seconds, Gluten Free, Peanut Butter, Snack, Vegetarian

14 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. 4 different types of peanut butter there?

    • Nick says:

      Yes sir. From left: Homemade “Crazy” Butter, 365 Crunchy, Kelkin Crunchy, Calvé Creamy.

      Crazy Butter was some concoction I made in my Vitamix, using mixed nuts, peanuts, regular and golden raisins, cocoa nibs and cocoa powder. It’s quite interesting!

  2. These look delish! I know you love pb (I do too!), but banana bites are also phenomenal with Nutella, if you’re looking for some variety.

  3. Justin says:

    Awesome! Looks good. I’ve used Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter with Marshmallows and Graham Crackers with the kids too!

  4. Tim says:

    Like this.

  5. When I was a kid, my Mom made us Peanut Butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches. I know… I know… but they were so good!

    • Nick says:

      Wow. I absolutely despise mayonanaise so I can’t even imagine doing that. Nevertheless, I suggest you go ahead and try putting PB and mayo on a banana bite and see if that’s any good =)

  6. Anne says:

    this is one of my favourite snacks! usually done with 365 smooth and dark chocolate dreams (my favourites) and topped with flax or chia seeds, but sometimes cereal or granola

    best. snack. ever

  7. I also love eating frozen banana slices with peanut butter and chocolate — SOOO good.

  8. All of this looks great!

    -Amanda Russell

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