I decided to make this post extra special by including two recipes, one being an old favorite and the other being a homemade peanut butter flavor! These pancakes have gone through several iterations to arrive at the perfect recipe. I now consider them to be “super” not only for their nutritional value, but also the simplicity of the recipe. As for the maple peanut butter – this is a simple recreation of the Peanut Butter & Co flavor released a few years ago.


For the batter:

Optional mix-ins:

Maple Peanut Butter:


1. To make pancake batter blend oats, cottage cheese, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla extract and 1 banana in a blender until smooth and creamy. To make peanut butter, pour maple syrup and sugar into the jar and stir until well mixed. Slice remaining banana into 1/8″ slices and set aside.

2. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. If the batter is thick, add milk (any kind) and mix well to reach desired consistency. Once warm, spray the pan with cooking spray. Place about 1/4 cup of batter in each spot and flatten with the back of a spoon if necessary. Place 3 slices of banana in each pancake along with optional ingredients or use blueberries instead and cook for about 1-2 minutes. Once the top starts to set, flip and cook for an additional minute.

3. Spread peanut butter on top, microwaving first if too thick, and finish with a dash of maple syrup. Makes 12-15 (3″) pancakes.

Storing: The batter will keep in the fridge for about 5 days. When you remove it from the fridge, it will be much thicker due the temperature and oat absorption. Add milk (any kind), 2T at a time, to achieve desired batter consistency. You want the batter to be thin enough so it mostly spreads out when dropped into a hot pan, but you can always use the back of a spoon to spread it flatter.

Additional Info:

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 3 pancakes (batter only)
Servings per Batch 4
Amount Per Serving
Calories 165
Total Fat 1.5g
Total Carbohydrate 23.5g
Dietary Fiber 2.75g
Sugars 6g
Protein 14.25g

Maxed out version:

Filed in Breakfast, Gluten Free, Low Carb, PB Flavors, Peanut Butter, Vegetarian

54 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Dhanggit says:

    what a gorgeous gorgeous photo!! i love peanut butter, so today is my day :-)

  2. A. Grace says:

    i always eat peanut butter on my pancakes.

    i always get weird looks when people see me eat peanut butter on my pancakes.

    it’s good to know i’m not the only normal person on the planet.

  3. Anne says:

    I can’t believe I missed peanut butter & jelly day!! and to think I forewent my peanut butter & jelly protein shake for boring chocolate…

    I’m glad other people also put peanut butter on their pancakes. Some good combinations are peanut butter and then maple syrup drizzled on top, or just peanut butter and jelly right onto the pancake – especially good on banana pancakes like the ones here

  4. foodiedani says:

    I like the pancakes with the bananas baked in them.

  5. downhomedieting says:

    Fabulous pancakes..drool.

    I made your tortilla chips last night along with homemade salsa. Holy cow were they good!

    This recipe looks like a keeper too!


  6. downhomedieting says:

    One more thing. Do you read Katheats.com? Her post yesterday totally reminded me of you and your obsession with PB.


  7. Kristina says:

    The guy that sold the honey & maple pb to me did say that it went wonderfully on pancakes and french toast. Maybe they’re spying on you via telepathy… *gasp!*

    Happy PB & J Day to you too!

  8. VeggieGirl says:

    Hooray for PB&J Day!! Those pancakes are a stack of pure bliss.

  9. Jessy and her dog Winnie says:

    Happy pb&J day! I think that i like the pancake with the bananas that are caramelized. Thats how i make mine.

  10. Tiffany says:

    I had never thought of spreading peanut butter on pancakes until I met my husband…I was quite shocked when I saw him do it! I love it now, though.

    These look delicious! I have a couple of peanut butter recipes on my blog…check them out if you like! :)

  11. Betsy says:

    oh my god. peanut butter AND banana pancakes? could there be anything more divine???

  12. Allison from Pageflakes says:

    I am soooo making this for dinner tonight! Thanks pbb!

  13. Nick says:

    A. Grace, Anne, tiffany, I didn’t know anybody else in the world put peanut butter on pancakes! I thought only I was special =). Never say chocolate is boring Anne!

    Dani, Jessy, the bananas do get a caramelized taste to them when they’re cooked inside like that, truly exceptional.

    Amanda, I’m glad you like the tortilla chips, I’m actually making a batch to go along with my newest creation that will end up on this site very soon. They are so very healthy and a perfect snack! Thanks for pointing me to Katheats.com, I like her site! That post was right up my alley, just like my Peanut Butter Hot Dog! She’s got some other great recipes there.

    Kristina, that does seem a little curious! I need to start patenting my ideas before they get stolen.

    Betsy, No. There is nothing better =).

    Allison, I didn’t quite get what you meant when you said I was featured on PageFlakes, but after refreshing the page a couple of times, I noticed. That’s pretty awesome, thanks!

    I guess when people go to PageFlakes to add new “flakes” to their page, Peanut Butter Boy is one of the featured flakes at the top of the page. You’ll need to refresh the page a couple of times perhaps to see it, but it’s there! Sweet!

  14. Kevin says:

    I like the sound of the oats and cottage cheese in the pancakes. The maple and peanut butter syrup also sounds really good.

  15. Dani Spies says:

    Just found your blog and I love it! I LOVE peanut butter and these pancakes sound delicious! Hey, what about almond butter…do you like that?

  16. Nick says:

    Hey Dani, I’m not a huge almond butter fan. But, to be honest, I’ve only tried it once and I think it was unsalted. I love almonds specifically for their crunch, not to mention almond butter is quite a bit more expensive. I’ll have to try it again, I’ll get a small amount at Whole Foods in the do-it-yourself-awesome-o-nut-grinder.

  17. Tina says:

    Yum! Those look wonderful! :)

  18. Elle says:

    How could you go wrong with pb, bananas and maple syrup? Those look fantastic!

  19. chou says:

    I still remember the first time I ever encountered peanut butter with maple syrup. Revelation! Now it’s a must.

  20. Carla says:

    Your words did help to cheer me up :) As for that pot of gold, I applied for two scholarships and waiting to hear back from an internship with Fox 53. Maybe next week is my everything-good-is-happening week. And I really hope so, because my best friend is having her brain surgery on Tuesday, and I wouldn’t want my bad luck to ruin anything!

    Dark chocolate and peanut butter – I never would’ve thought to mix the two together for a spread. That would make a great filling for a brownie.

    Saturday is usually my big breakfast day to wind down the week. Banana pancakes sound great! Just need to make sure I have a banana.

  21. Nadia says:

    Just stumbled onto your blog…everything looks delicious and I can’t wait to try some of these recipes. Just wondering if you’ve ever been to Peanut Butter & Co. in downtown NYC…they have a lot of variations on pb sandwiches and other “meals” and drinks with pb as the main ingredient. If you haven’t you should def. try it out!

  22. Simply...Gluten-free says:

    Hey Nick! Happy PB & J day! I can’t believe you almost missed it! What a scandal that would have been. You have inspired me to come up with some gluten free Pb & banana muffins!

  23. RecipeGirl says:

    We love banana pancakes around here, and that peanut buttery stuff to put on top sounds PERFECT!

  24. Nick says:

    Carla, I’m glad they cheered you up! Odd that I made a remark about the pot of gold, I didn’t know about the scholarships. I hope you get one, I actually was recently awarded one as well that I’m excited about, so you should get one too!

    Nadia, I have been there once before. I love their flavored peanut butters and their cookbook, but now I make their flavors myself and use their cookbook to make their items in the store. Definitely a cool idea for a store, I’m honestly thinking about opening a (superior!) peanut butter restaurant/shop someday in the near future!

    Carol, Let me know when you make those, cause I’ll probably have to make them next! For some inspiration, you might want to start with my Cinnamonn Raisin Peanut Butter & Peach Bran Muffins. They’re not gluten-free persay, but they don’t seem too far from it! I actually used peaches instead of bananas in that recipe, but bananas work very well in it!

  25. Lacey says:

    What would you need to add to turn this recipe into waffles? Maybe a little oil or something?

  26. Nick says:

    For waffles, you would need some baking soda (1/2 tsp or so) and maybe some additional oats. A touch of oil couldn’t hurt either. Let me know if you give it a try!

  27. White On Rice Couple says:

    The close up on this is killing me. I’ve never craved peanut butter so much before since i visited this site!

  28. Naomi Devlin says:

    Nick, PB & J day huh? Well I did stick my finer in the jar today, but jelly is absolutely verboten.

    Great to see someone using oats for pancakes – how about entering this for ‘Go Ahead Honey its Gluten Free’ ? It’s finger food this month and I sure would eat those babies with my fingers if I was over for breakfast.

    PNB with maple syrup sounds fantastic, but I am definitely into other nut butters too, my latest discovery is roasted cashew nut butter – so creamy and naturally sweet. Yum! Wonder what pecan butter with maple syrup would be like?…

    I made some peanut butter grain free cakes too – with honey, such a great combination. I’ll let you know when I post them, would send you one, but we’ve been through that already.

    Keep flying the flag.

    x x x

  29. Naomi Devlin says:

    My finger, my finger – I stuck my finger in the jar, I meant to say. Darn this new keyboard….

  30. Nick says:

    Naomi, it doesn’t really matter what you stick in the peanut butter jar, it always comes out delicious! I just saw your post about the contest, I think I will enter! These pancakes certainly rocked my world as well as Kath over at katheats.com.

    I’m not a huge cashew fan, but maybe I’d like cashew butter. I’ve never had pecan butter (probably because of the price), but I imagine it may even be better than peanut butter with maple syrup…I’m thinking pecan pie….Although I did just buy some almond butter to give that a try again, I think I need to add salt to it to satisfy me, but we’ll see.

    Yes! let me know when those cakes are available for purchase, I’ll pay the exact price to get you a keyboard you’re used to =).

  31. Cris says:

    awwwwww first time here and drooling!!! Love your recipes! Too bad I can hardly get pb here…

  32. E says:

    Peanut Butter-holics Anonymous is a great idea. I can see it turning into more of a enabling group rather than a recovery group, though. At the very least maybe there should be Weekend Peanut Butter Blogging (WPBB?)

  33. Elisabeth says:

    Thank you for making these for me bright and early in the morning. They were a great way to start my day… and of course you were there too so even better!

  34. Nick says:

    cris, that means you clearly need to move. Life without peanut butter is hardly life at all!

    e, Naturally it would be an enabling group, stopping the wave of peanut butter sweeping the nation (is it?) is impossible. I like the idea of a peanut butter group, perhaps WPBB….We should work on this!

    Elisabeth, I suppose the only thing better than the pancakes themselves are the original chef there to cook them for you, especially when he is so charming =).

  35. Beth says:

    Hi! Do you think these could also be made with ricotta cheese?

  36. Nick says:

    beth, Yes I think so! I’ve been meaning to try this using fat free ricotta which is a little difficult to find here in Davis, CA but I’m sure you can find it in San Fran! I’m sure it would work just as well if not better. I love ricotta cheese, but you may want to add a few pinches of salt. Let me know the results!!

  37. Becca says:

    I made Kath’s version of your pancakes this morning (using a 1/3 of oats, 1/3 cottage cheese and I also added ground flax and cinnamon). I just wanted to let you know they were excellent! Great job!

  38. Jenny says:

    You know, once this house is cleared of it’s peanut ban (awaiting test results now), my son is going to just love you and your recipes. This might be #3 on his list of things to try, after a sandwich and a peanut butter cup!

  39. mei says:

    wow i like this idea a lot!! but i’m wondering about 2 things:
    -why do you use cottage cheese? is it possible to substitute with yogurt or cream cheese?
    -can i use crushed cereal (like grounded bran cereal) instead of oat?


    Cottage cheese notoriously works well in pancakes. I’ve used ricotta cheese with good results too. If you try yogurt, I suggest greek yogurt and using less (maybe 2/3 cup?) and cream cheese may also work well. But if it’s the cottage cheese flavor you’re worried about, I promise you won’t even taste it, noone ever has! I would say crushed bran cereal would work well too, but since it’s higher in fiber you may need to add more liquid. ~ Nick

  40. Iris says:

    These look amazing! I’m so excited that you have gluten-free recipes!

  41. Shannon says:

    I used to make these all the time! Don’t know why I stopped, definitely have to pick up some bananas and cottage cheese :)

  42. Sherri Jo says:

    my youngest son would LOVE these! yummy!

    • Nick says:

      Mind you, they are slightly different from regular pancakes. But once you put peanut butter and syrup on it, it doesn’t make a difference!

  43. Natalie J Vandenberghe says:

    I love maple syrup with peanut butter! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  44. Judy says:

    These look really good, but be careful with the gluten-free tag. Oats, by themselves, are gluten free, but unless the package specifically states “gluten free,” they should be avoided by those who are gluten sensitive. Bob’s Red Mill does carry gluten-free oats and, of course, they’re more expensive.

    • Nick says:

      Yes, you have a point Judy. And the same goes for many foods that are gluten-free by nature, but because of possible gluten contamination in the production facility, are no longer “gluten free”. Peanut butter is another such product.

      My hope is that people with very sensitive gluten allergies are already familiar with this fact and either purchase the gluten free oats, avoid them altogether, or have some substitute ingredient.

  45. you must be reading my mind. I tried to make some protein pancakes yesterday and they were a serious flop. weird gritty texture in the center that never seemed to cook completely. ick. i’ll give these a try!!

    • Nick says:

      Yea, those specialty pancakes often flop. But rest assured – I’ve been making these for years now and everyone loves them!

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