All good sandwich begins like this, bread and peanut butter. This one is different though, the circular patch of peanut butter is ready to accompany a meaty counterpart. Bison and turkey are my favorite burgers for this recipe but pork, chicken or tofu would be excellent too. Top it off with caramelized bananas and you’ve got a feast fit for a king – THE king. Elvis would be proud. How good is this burger? Check out the picture below and let me know if your glands don’t salivate.


1lb ground bison, beef, lean pork or turkey
1/4 cup peanut butter
2 ripe bananas
1 Tbsp butter or coconut oil
2 tsp brown sugar
8 slices thick sandwich bread or cabbage leaves
bacon, lettuce, tomato, onion (optional)


1. Preheat a pan on medium heat. Cut bananas in half and slice lengthwise. Add the butter to the pan to coat it. Place bananas, flat side down, in the pan and sprinkle with the brown sugar. Cook for 2 minutes and flip. Stir the bananas to get the remaining brown sugar and butter in the pan, and let cook for another 1-2 minutes, or until bananas are caramelized on both sides.

2. Form 4 patties from the ground meat, season with salt and pepper. Grill until desired doneness or cook in a pan on medium heat, covered, for 2-3 minutes per side.

3. Spread 1 Tbsp of peanut butter on a slice of bread, toasted first if preferred. Place burger on top, pile on 2 slices of banana and any additional toppings. Top with remaining slice of bread and consume. Yea, after one bite you’ll be all shook up.

Filed in Gluten Free, Main Course, Peanut Butter, Vegetarian

57 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Ok, now I absolutely KNOW that your masters program fried your brain. This is nutty. But not necessarily bad!

  2. dawn says:

    now you know that is my kind of meal.
    be not afraid people, try this you will love it.

  3. Natalie says:

    Whoa! That actually looks really good…I’ll have to give it a try :)

  4. Gina says:

    As much as I love peanut butter, I never would have thought to add it to my burger. I think it’s one of those things I think I wouldn’t like, but I would end up LOVING. Thanks for the unique idea.

  5. Marianne says:

    I can see how the peanut butter works, but I’m iffy about the banana. Although, pineapple makes an acceptable burger topping, so perhaps banana isn’t too far off.

    • Nick says:

      It’s all interconnected: pork and peanut butter plus peanut butter and bananas equals pork and bananas. Or perhaps think about it cuban style: pork with plantains!

  6. mom says:

    This is different. I think it would be best with ground pork. We’ll try it when you come home. WhooHa!!!

  7. Gotta show this one to the hubs. He’s all over everything Elvis :)

    • Nick says:

      I’m not a big fan of his music, but I’m a huge fan of his tastes. Add some bacon and honey for a true “kingly” burger.

  8. Alison says:

    Looks delicious! I bet it’d be great with plantains too.

  9. Marta says:

    Nick! This is wonderful!!!!! I’m all about putting random stuff on burgers: avocados, fried eggs, fried plantains, refried beans, and of course PB! What I had never though of was putting bananas AND pb on a patty. You’re my hero!
    I remember once I was recovering from surgery and my friend came home and made me the Elvis sandwich (PB, maple syrup and bananas inside. French-toast style. Sprinkled with cinnamon-sugar) and it was the first time I had tried it and, hahaha, I think it brough me back to life! If that doesn’t give you energy, nothing will!
    I’m on PB-OD right now. I’ve been experimenting with recipes for your contest and, well, it’s necessitated a lot of PB intake! I think I nailed it, though ;)

    • Nick says:

      No such thing as PB-OD, just terrible stomach aches =). I could see it putting some life back into you, I envision that someday peanut butter will have it’s own section in the food pyramid. Can’t wait to see your entry!

  10. Katrina says:

    Who would have ever thunk it? You’re right, it sure DOES look good!

  11. Sagan says:

    That has to be the most unique burger I’ve ever seen! Yummy.

  12. grace says:

    marvelous. inventive. delicious. i’d be such a fan of this, and the caramelized bananas are what makes it completely irresistible. there’s a round of applause coming at ya for this one.

  13. Stacy says:

    Grilled Tilapia and Peanut Butter Sandwich. Sounds weird, tastes amazing. Enjoy the pics.

  14. meg says:

    I would have never thought of this combination, but it definitely works!

  15. Thank you, thank you very much! You’re right, that is one manly burger!

  16. Ben says:

    Oh wow! That looks… intriguing, hehe. Thanks for mentioning the event. I have the perfect entry. And I just realized I haven’t been getting your RSS updates in I don’t know how long :-\ Fixing that…

  17. It was all going so well until you mentioned the bread.

    Yours looks brown. You also said gluten-free if need be.

    No way would Elvis have gone for that! ;-)

    • Nick says:

      Ah yes, well I’m not a celiac myself but I am a health nut. I should have used something fresher and crustier but I’m trying to empty my cabinet and freezers of food before I move in a few days!

    • mynamehere says:

      how would you know what elvis would’ve gone for? you freaking OINKER!

      there.. OINK OINK OINK OINK…

      and…. OINK. (the guy couldn’t even stand chicken because of it’s greasy skin.)

      • Nick says:

        I think the takeaway here is not the discussion of “oinkers” but rather that while some people have useful hobbies such as developing, sharing and discussing delicious recipes with family and friends, there are other people, specifically this “mynamehere” character, who spend their free time leaving useless remarks in a cowardly fashion (no name, no email).

        And while I could simply remove your nearly unintelligible comment, I’d rather keep it up to immortalize your ignorance for the rest of the world Mr. IP Address

  18. Justine says:

    First, let me say how cute it is that your mom reads your blog!!! That burger looks great. I would add lettuce and sliced tomato.


    • Nick says:

      My mom gets angry when her RSS updates stop working on her homepage =). I added lettuce and tomato too, it was great to add some crispness. But the picture of the bananas was much more appealing!

  19. susan says:


  20. R u kidding? Is that really true?

  21. Reeni says:

    I would of never thought to put banana on my burger. I think I would like it, love sweet and savory together. Bacon would be awesome on here.

    • Nick says:

      Yes it would! Didn’t have any but I’ll give it a go next round. This truly is one of my favorite ways to eat a burger. I Bet you could even bake a tray of the bananas for a similar effect for ease.

  22. Katrina says:

    Nick, I just noticed I’m on your blogroll. Thanks for putting me on there. That’s awes!
    My real reason for writing is to let you know I just made (with a not-frozen nectarine) your chocolate peanut butter ice cream and it was to-die-for-good! I love it and can’t wait to keep making it, especially when my family eats so much bad-for-you ice cream (see my latest post)–I didn’t eat any of that thing and with your ice cream as arsenal, I won’t need or want to. Talk to you later, I’m going to go freeze a couple more bananas I’ve got sitting on the counter! ;) Oh, I also just used Dannon ff vanilla yogurt, so I guess there is some sugar added, but still–much better for me than regular ice cream! Thanks, Nick! (Hope I’m not too full for dinner in a couple hours–I didn’t drink the whole thing, only about 2/3 of it. Okay, that’s all. ;)

    • Nick says:

      Haha, yup. Unfortunately the past few weeks and the next few, I’m so busy that I haven’t been able to visit anyone on my blogroll. That should change soon!

      Great! I’m so glad you liked it! The more frozen the fruits are, the thicker it will be and the more like ice cream it is. My newest favorite version is to use lowfat cottage cheese (unsalted!). It has a milder taste than greek yogurt and you can add a teaspoon of honey if you need, but it is still plenty sweet enough for me without it. There really is no need for traditional ice cream when you have fresh ice cream at your fingertips, I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  23. daphne says:

    savoury and sweet huh.. nice! well done nick! I’m so glad the peanut butter is still rolling! love these ideas!

  24. That’s a hunka hunka good lookin’ sandwich. I would totally be open to trying that combo! I hear PB and pickles are good too!

  25. kristina says:

    Wow what a fun idea! I would totally try this with a pork burger. I love the addition of the caramelized banana too. Very nice!

  26. CakeSpy says:

    What a wonderful way to enter the sweet world of morbid obesity!

  27. Ok, honestly, I can’t eat peanut butter but I do love bananas and turkey burgers. I am not sure I would ever think of bananas and a turkey burger but now that you’ve got my mind going it’s reminiscent of a good, Asian stir-fry.

  28. Christine says:

    Wow. This is something I know that my husband would love – it combines both of his favourite things: meat and peanut butter!

  29. mynamehere says:

    do you people SWEAT when you eat?

    and interesting that elvis is blamed for this fanaticalism.. since the guy was severely allergic to peanuts. hummmmmm.

    put the fork down, well, if you can’t lift it i guess then this statement fails you.

    • Nick says:

      Suprisingly no, I don’t sweat when I eat. In fact, at 6’3″ and 160 lbs I can actually bench press 180 jars of peanut butter at once. Do you know how I know that? It’s complicated math, so stay with me here….

      1 jar peanut butter = 16 oz (1 lb)

      180 jars peanut butter = 180 lb

      You might have to read through it a few times but eventually it will make sense. But you know what helped me reach a point where I can bench more than I weigh? All the peanut butter I consume.

  30. David says:

    I just saw your site tonight after eating a peanut butter burger at Cheeburger-Cheeburger today. I agree that every good sandwich starts with PB. I’ve put PB on my burgers for 60+ yrs — I may have invented it — I’m talking 1950? I put PB and various cheeses on my burgers, and for the last 20+/- years I’ve added lettuce for ruffage, if available). I eat no “regular” condiments, so PB has always been my condiment (I ate nothing but PB sandwiches at lunch through 12 yrs of public school – ok, pizza in 12th grade on rare occasions). I don’t add bananas (bananas are often mentioned to me when people learn about my PB wierdness — I can go with it but don’t prefer adding fruit). I have many other PB delights. PB on a flour tortilla or good bread with grated parmesan. PB on a tortilla with grated cheese (i.e., a taco mix, a mexican mix, cheddar, longhorn, more) and melted in microwave. PB on many optional different breads, or a torilla, with thin sliced lunch meat beef and parmesan and/or a slice of swiss (or slice other cheese if no swiss in fridge). PB is it! Cool site. Many thanks.

    • Nick says:

      How interesting! David, I think you just may have invented the peanut butter burger – perhaps you even inspired Elvis himself!

      You certainly love the PB and cheese combo. I’ve only done that a few times, but I’m sure you’d approve of my recipes for: Peanut Butter Grilled Cheese and The Jersey Breakfast!

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing the tales of your addiction. Great minds think alike =)

  31. kevq says:

    this does look good, gonna try one, but this is what killed elvis. so i wouldnt eat to many.

  32. Dave says:

    Crap….. not even close. crap I tell you!!!!!

  33. Rose says:

    I saw a recipe sort of like this. It calls for putting peanut inside the hamburger. Then put cheese on top and finally add a couple of strips of bacon on top of the cheese.

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