*Repost from the archive, still a goodie.
We all know that ramen noodles, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and microwaveable macaroni and cheese are what sustain our college students. I don’t know where we’d be without them although looking back I may have changed my eating habits (besides the peanut butter of course). But unlike the others, peanut butter is a highly nutritious food source that is still incredibly cost effective. Besides providing sustenance to the collegiate population peanut butter can also help you pay for college.
I recently stumbled upon the Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest which features a $25,000 scholarship fund as the grand prize and four runner-up $2500 scholarship funds. The contest runs from August 4th, 2008 to November 14th, 2008 and is open to kids aged 6-12 but of course parents can help their kids develop their recipe. Ten finalists will be posted on Jif’s website and open to a nationwide vote. From there, the Top 5 will compete in a live judging event in New York City. This will be the 7th annual running of this contest and you can check out the previous winners on the website above and I’ll be posting last years winning recipe below.
I’ve always said that peanut butter would change the world, I just never knew how. This seems like a great opportunity that I wanted to share with you guys. While I doubt I have any 6 year old readers, I know that a lot of you are moms and may have children in that age range. As a mom, you can apply to the Mom’s Voice Their Choice Contest to win a 4-day trip to NYC and to sit on the judging panel for the aforementioned sandwich contest.
I also want to thank everyone who submitted an entry to The Peanut Butter Exhibition #4 – No Bake. In total, we received 16 recipes which ties for the largest number of entries with the original Peanut Butter Exhibition #1 – Cookies. The roundup should be up and running sometime next week!
Crunchy Chinese Fortune Cookie Sandwich
Samuel, Age 11 from Riverside, CA


Sandwich Mix:
3T creamy peanut butter
1T finely diced celery
1T finely diced apple
Chinese Dipping Sauce:
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
1/4 cup coconut milk
1T soy sauce
1T brown sugar
1T lemon juice
1/2t sesame oil
1/2t chili powder
1. To make the dipping sauce, combine all ingredients in small saucepan and cook over low heat while stirring with a wire whisk. When the mixture starts to bubble and thicken, remove from heat and let cool.
2. While the dipping sauce is cooling, roll flat the four slices of bread with a rolling pin. Use a large circle shaped cookie cutter to cut out each slice of bread into a circle. Mix the 3 sandwich mix ingredients together in a small bowl. Place a tablespoon full of mix into the center of each circle shaped piece of bread. Fold the bread in half so the sandwich is now a half circle. Crimp the edges of the sandwich together with your fingers so the mix will not come out. Then, while holding the center of the sandwich, pull the sides of the sandwich down so the edges touch each other, forming a fortune cookie shape.
3. To make fortunes for your fortune cookies, use a clean plastic lid from a tub of butter, yogurt, or sour cream. Cut small plastic strips then write your fortune on them with a permanent marker. Tuck the edge of the fortune into the edge of your cookies to make them real fortune cookie sandwiches.
4. Once the dipping sauce is cool, serve the crunchy Chinese cookie sandwiches with their fortunes and extra apple and celery slices on a plate with a cup of dipping sauce. Dip in and eat!
Additional Info:
I haven’t actually tried this recipe yet but it looks pretty darn good. For a while I’ve been looking for a quick and easy peanut sauce that rivals store-bought. I currently have one that I’m experimenting with but I’m going to try this soon and report back. I hope this is helpful to some of you!
An 11 year old made that? I feel pretty small now. It looks very pretty and it sounds pretty good too.
I can’t wait for the round-up, Nick! I’m sorry I couldn’t think up something interesting in time.
By the way, is Jif PB any good? We don’t have much of a selection here, but I did spot some Jif.
Hey Nick
Nice of you to stop by. It always speeds up my visiting you. It’s great that you are sharing this contest with your readers. Wish I was 6 again..lol
Another fun contest! :0)
OMG that is so cool!
Oh my goodness, you won’t believe this one, but I used to put peanut butter in my ramen noodles. I wanted more protein so I put PB in it. It wasn’t all that bad. Kind of like a white-trash version of peanut noodle salad. lol
Dee, Yea, I know what you mean. I wanna meet this kid =). It’s too bad you didn’t make it, you’d better make it next time! Actually Jif is pretty good. It’s way better than Skippy and doesn’t use partially hydrogenated oils only FULLY hydrogenated which contains no trans fat. It’s got a smooth creamy taste that a lot of people are used to and enjoy from childhood, something that natural peanut butters just can’t replicate.
Mark, Sure would be nice to be 6 and have a $25K scholarship to college, although I’m not sure I would even know what that meant!
Veggiegirl, Jessy, Yup! This one has a huge prize, although I doubt anyone can enter it for themselves, hopefully someone has a young child, sibling or cousin?
Dawn, Haha, that’s really odd considering I just talked about ramen noodles. I certainly would not have thought to put PB in them, which flavor did you use? I would imagine the creamy chicken flavor would be best or perhaps not at all =). Haha, the white trash version, I love it!
I pick you http://chocolatemoosey.blogspot.com/2008/09/somebody-loves-me.html
What a totally creative idea – I just love it and a great way to get protein into kids.