There’s only one place you can order anything, at any time of the day, quick and cheap: diners. Not just any diner, but diners located in New York or New Jersey. California just doesn’t cut it when it comes to diners. Diners should be decorated in the style of the ’50s or ’60s, and the waitress behind the counter should have fresh cigarette smoke on her breath, waiting to take your order from a menu too large to comprehend. In fact, you don’t really need a menu, you can order whatever you want, they probably have it. I order the same thing every time I go to a diner: an open-faced turkey sandwich. It almost always comes witih gravy, mashed potatoes, corn and cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away but if you’re anything like me, you can hardly wait. While preparing an entire Thanksgiving meal takes quite a bit of time, this quick and easy method allows you to enjoy Thanksgiving at any time of the year! I took an extra shortcut and bought canned organic sweet potato puree, and while faster, it may be difficult to find.


2 slices of your favorite bread
1/3 lb roasted turkey breast*, carved
1/2 cup frozen sweet corn
1 regular or sweet potato, mashed
2 Tbsp cranberry sauce or strawberry jelly
1 can of turkey gravy (or homemade!)
salt and pepper, to taste

* Note: Look for roasted turkey breasts alongside the roasted chickens in your grocery store. Otherwise, bake a fresh turkey breast tenderloin in the oven according to the package instructions. If all else fails, deli-sliced turkey makes a decent substitute.


1. Add the turkey and gravy to a saucepan and place over a medium-high heat. Meanwhile, toast the bread. Cook the corn in any way you see fit, I simply microwave it on a plate with a few drops of water for 45 seconds.

2. Place the toast on the plate and spoon the turkey on top. Put the corn and cranberry sauce on the side. Don’t forget the taters:

3. Pour gravy on everything, season with salt and pepper and enjoy an early Thanksgiving!

Filed in Main Course, Peanut Butterless

25 Responses / Leave a comment »

  1. Looks delicious! And definitely the best holiday of the year!! hmmm I’ll have to think of what my favourite peanut butter recipe is – it’s hard to choose!

    Well if you have to submit two, then so be it =) ~ Nick

  2. Megan says:

    Yum! Easy Thanksgiving food! The sweet potatoes are definitely my favorite!

  3. Jo says:

    This looks so yum! And it makes me want Thanksgiving dinner… right… now! Thanks!

    I entered the PB recipe month and am going right now give you some love on my site :)

    Thanks Jo! I’m enjoying all the great recipes coming in. ~ Nick

  4. gina (fitnessista) says:

    i thought i couldn’t possibly be more excited for thanksgiving.. that is, until i saw this post :D looks SO GOOD!
    my favorite thing about thanksgiving are the day-after-thanksgiving sandwiches: turkey, stuffing, cranberry, sweet potatoes and a little cream cheese on wheat bread- AMAZING
    have a great day

    I couldn’t agree more, which is why I wanted to re-create that sandwich ahead of time. ~ Nick

  5. ttfn300 says:

    ooh, i love thanksgiving, especially the sandwiches that follow :) what, no pb in the sweet potatoes??

    and um, pb gnocchi would rock. maybe with mashed banana? and a chocolate sauce… ok now you’ve done it. i just may have to attempt this!!

    I want to try pb gnocchi for sure, I don’t see why not, let me know if you get to it first! For some pb sweet potatoes, see here: Twice-Baked Peanut Butter Sweet Potatoes. ~ Nick

  6. Kristina says:

    OK, I love your profile name. I’m not even joking when I say that when I saw it, I made myself a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, which I have almost every morning for breakfast.

    I had already had my most favorite ice cream in the world, the Target brand Fudge and Peanut Butter ice cream. If you haven’t tried it, you must.

    And, for my cookie exchange I’m doing in December, I’m making these Martha Stewart cookies with PB in the middle!

    I will definitely be back. You are on my Reader!

    Oooh, PB&J for breakfast? Do you toast it in a pan afterward or eat it cold? That ice cream sounds awesome, but you must try making your own: Fresh Peanut Butter Ice Cream, plus there’s no added sugar or fat other than peanut butter! Hidden peanut butter inside the cookie is genius, except for anyone with peanut allergies and not expecting it of course. ~ Nick

  7. Reeni says:

    There’s nothing like East Coast diners. I found that out when I moved to Tucson. Diners are rare there. I’m glad to be back in NY where diners abound. My Mom orders the same turkey sandwich as you, and it’s always real turkey not cold cut type of turkey. Working on the pb recipe for you.

    Excellent. And exactly, cold cut/deli turkey just doesn’t cut it. I can’t wait to visit in December, that’s the first thing I’m eating. ~ Nick

  8. Tabitha Blue says:

    Ok, we are twins!! Those are I think my 3 tops fav foods!! Seriously. Yum, now I want to go to our local Turkey farm by where I live… they serve all of that daily, and it’s so fresh! I’m drooling now, thanks :)

    Perhaps I struck a nerve with a few people or perhaps it’s not based on opinion, those just ARE the best foods around =) ~ Nick

  9. zestycook says:

    Nick, I fully agree!!! Love it!

  10. heather says:

    ohh, i love diners! and i love open faced turkey sandwiches even more. they’re my favorite part of thanksgiving! i never thought about preemptively making myself one! great idea. mmmm.

  11. Laurie says:

    Nick, Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yesterday my husband and I helped serve about 200 open faced hot turkey sandwiches at the Holly Fair fundraiser our church holds. Very delicious.

    I’ll be looking up my favorite peanut butter recipe. Do you need photos or just the recipe? I only make peanut butter balls at Christmas, but its my kids favorite cookie.

    There’s something just so good about open faced turkey sandwiches, how strange you just served over 200 of them! No photo necessary, this isn’t a Peanut Butter Exhibition, just a recipe roundup! ~ Nick

  12. Pam says:

    I love Thanksgiving food. The open faced turkey sandwich with gravy is one of my favorites.

  13. Sagan says:

    Mmm, I adore turkey and cranberry sauce. It’s become the thing that I get whenever I’m at cafes or sandwich places- if its got turkey and cranberry sauce sandwich on the menu then I’m ordering it!

  14. I am so with you! Thanksgiving dinner has got to be one of my most favorite meals ever…I don’t know why I don’t make it more often during other times of the year!

  15. My hubby and I used to frequent a diner in Woodland and I would often get the open faced roasted turkey sandwich. Your dinner looks just as good!

    Where in Woodland? That’s only a 10 minute drive from here, I need to stop by there! ~ Nick

  16. snookydoodle says:

    that sandwich looks so so good :)

  17. Ann says:

    NO idea it was Natl PB month, totally learned something here. What’s odd though is that I’ve recently made TWO pb type thingys…so it was like I was organically channeling the experience anyway. Cosmic.

    Thanks for stoppin’ by my blog. :)

  18. Mansi says:

    I love your new blog look! pretty professional Nick:) I’ll be sure to send some peanut butter recipes your way pretty soon!:)

    Thanks, can’t wait to see them! ~ Nick

  19. giz says:

    I think I need to be an honourary American for Thanksgiving. I feel like gobble gobble day is a passing memory and now you’ve made it come to life again.

    You won’t become an American by spelling “honorary” that way =)! Rekindle your Thanksgiving spirit and make an open-faced gobble sandwich. ~ Nick

  20. Hi Nick, thanks for checking out my blog! So cool!!! I’ve reading your blog for quite a while – it’s nice that you found me :)

    I’ve made the raspberry brownies twice because my husband loooooves them! I’m a chocolate freak so the sherbert was distracting to me the first batch around (give me more chocolate instead) but at my husband’s request I made them again and now I love them too! I think this batch came out better too… I really made sure to underbake the brownies (key I think because they were kind of chewy last time) and I don’t know, maybe I made them with more love this time :)

    Keep ’em coming!… and try the 100 calorie dark chocolate. Awesome and portable!

    Btw, I just realized that your blog hasn’t been updating on my bloglines feeds. I’ve been missing a lot! Gotta catch up…

  21. Katrina says:

    Yum to Thanksgiving food! I’ll be working on that peanut butter whole wheat cookie! If I can get one to work out, maybe I’ll submit it to your blog! ;)

  22. Oh man … that kick my Thanksgiving cravings into high gear! You sure know how to do it right! ;)

  23. Sharon says:

    Yah for turkey! And National Peanut Butter month?! I should definitely do some celebrating! Cheers!

  24. anudivya says:

    Looks neat! Have a great one this year!

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