- The Peanut Butter Boy - http://www.peanutbutterboy.com -

Homemade Peanut Butter

Today I take another step forward in my peanut butter career. I’ve spent a good part of my life buying, eating and reviewing peanut butter. Favorites range from cheap store brands to expensive, small-batch local brands. But none of those brands compare to a spoonful from a warm, fresh batch of homemade peanut butter. The best method: get a Vitamix blender. It’s pricey but will be your forever-favorite kitchen tool. It works like a dream for fresh ice cream and can not only puree soup but also cook it for you. That being said, it’s a dream of mine to start a peanut butter company one day. Tasting this peanut butter has only pushed me further…


2 1/2 cups oil-roasted and salted peanuts
peanut oil or canola oil (food processor users)

For Creamy: Place all of the peanuts in the Vitamix blender or a food processor. For Vitamix users: set the blender to variable setting 1, turn it on and quickly turn the setting up to 10, using the tamper to aid in the pureeing process. For food processor users: blend the peanuts until a peanut paste ball is formed. Then add oil, a few drops at a time, until peanut butter reaches desired consistency. For both: taste, add salt as desired and blend for 10 more seconds. Store in an old, cleaned peanut butter jar.

For Crunchy: Chop or blend 1/2 cup of the peanuts until chunks are of desired size, then place into an empty peanut butter jar. Now, use the remaining 2 cups of peanuts to make creamy peanut butter as outlined above. Pour into the jar and mix it all together with a knife.

Additional Info:

The brand begins…