*Posted from the archives for all the delicious recipes!
I said it before and I’ll say it again: this was difficult. Even with the help of e from Foodaphilia, I had a tough time judging. Truly, all of the submissions were excellent, but we promised to choose a top 3. Like the troopers we are, we finally decided on the winners.
We got a few less entries this time and most of them right near the deadline! It’s too bad we didn’t have more, but at least it was easier to judge (slightly). So what did we receive? It can be broken down into the following: 2 smoothie, 3 bread, 2 sandwich, 1 parfait, 1 pancake, 1 french toast and 1 quinoa dish. For all you mathematicians out there, that’s 11 total entries. I chose my top 3 in the evening which led to stomach rumblings. It didn’t help that my own breakfast was at least 10 hours away at that point and I dreamt of all of the entries in some mega breakfast feast.
Every submission was outstanding, ranging from quick and easy smoothies to the more involved but equally delicious Breakfast Panini and Stuffed Pancakes. Quinoa? For breakfast? Hell yea! I only wish my printer could print me out a plate of that. How about some Hazelnut Pan Bread from Naomi who can’t find the # symbol on her keyboard but can make a superbly unique breakfast treat. And who could forget Bagels! Although depending on where you’re from, the bagel can either make it or break it (anyone west of Philly need not apply). Well, the time has come, so read on to see the winners of the Second Peanut Butter Exhibition!
Congratulations to the winners! You’ve dazzled our minds and left us drooling for more. You’ll each receive winners badges to place on your site and declare your dominance in the field of peanut butter breakfast making!
1st Place: Peanut Butter Crunch French Toast from Heidi over at Baking Buddies. This entry was incredible. A simple and well balanced recipe that can be easily modified. One with marshmallow fluff and one with Nutella? Are you crazy? A little decadent perhaps, but the mere thought of it would wake me from the deepest slumber.
2nd Place: PB&J Smoothie from Giz at Equal Opportunity Kitchen. Simple, yet effective. Especially with summer approaching, what could be better than waking up to a bright hot sun and downing a delicious frosty beverage? Again, easily modified and well-balanced to boot, this one came in at a close second.
3rd Place: Peanut Butter-Peach Breakfast Parfait from Rosiecat at Life, Love, and Food. Unfortunately, there is no picture to go with this one, but the main component of this delightful breakfast is a homemade Peanut Butter-Glazed Granola. Sure this one scored a bit lower for prep time, but while staring at the ingredients (and wishing for a taste…or even a picture!), I could smell and taste this entry more than any of the others. One can only imagine the aroma that would fill the house from this delectable baked treat.
All Entries
– Rockin Breakfast Panini from Vegans Eat
– Peanut Butter Quinoa Breakfast from What’s Cooking?
– Hazelnut Pan-Bread from Straight Into Bed Cakefree and Dried
– Leaning Tower of Double-Stuffed Peanut Butter Flapjacks from Renae du Jour
– Peanut Butter Bagel Sandwich from Foodaphilia
– Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie from A Fridge Full of Food…
The last recipe is from Katrina Johnson who does not yet have a blog. Her recipe is for “Surprise Sunrise Peanut Butter Muffins”. This is one of the most unique recipes we received and I will certainly be trying these myself.
Suprise Sunrise Peanut Butter Muffins
2 cups whole wheat flour
2T baking powder
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter (no more than 1 cup)
1/2 cup applesauce
3/4 cup soymilk
1/4 agave nectar
1 banana (very ripe), mashed
6 small cooked sausage patties (precooked frozen ones work fine)
1/2 cup apple jelly
Directions: Heat oven to 375 F. Combine flour, baking powder, and brown sugar in a large bowl. In a small bowl combine PB, applesauce, soymilk, and agave nectar, and mix well. Pour the wet mixture into the bowl of dry ingredients and gently stir to combine. Line a 12 muffin pan with paper cups. Fill the lined cups 1/3 full. Make a shallow indentation in the center of the batter with you finger; do not go to the bottom, and place a teaspoon of the apple jelly in each indentation. Place a cooked half sausage patty on top of each muffin cup. Fill muffin cups with batter about 2/3 full. Bake about 20 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool in the pan for about 5 minutes. Place muffins on wire rack to cool until just warm. Serve and ENJOY!
Honorable Mention
Once again we received an entry that didn’t match the theme…at all. I specifically told her that “Breakfast” was the theme of the month but she submitted it anyway! They still look delicious, I just wish I was from a planet that ate these for breakfast:
– Chocolate/Peanut Butter Frosted Banana Cupcakes from Girl Meets Cupcake receives the “I don’t read past the first sentence of emails” award =).
A big thanks to everyone that entered! Once again folks, stock up on peanut butter and get ready…the next Peanut Butter Exhibition is just around the corner!