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Peanut Butter Pumpkin Mousse

By popular demand, I’ve decided to post my favorite mousse recipe. I’ve actually promised this recipe to several people for a while now, but never got around to making it myself. You’ll never guess what the main ingredient is. Go ahead, guess – I’ll wait…


Did you guess ricotta cheese? Or yogurt? Wrong. You’ll have to read on for the answer. What I will tell you is that the next iteration of this will be a chocolate peanut butter mousse.



Throw it all in a blender and process until super creamy. Add extra honey to sweeten to taste. Chill and serve in small dishes. Top with whipped cream (I forgot to).

Additional Info:

I love this dish, it’s so easy and it tastes great. Depending on the brand of ricotta, the taste and texture can vary, so try several different ones until you find your favorite. It also tastes great without the peanut butter but I don’t recommend it =). Although every time I make it, I make it in two batches: one plain, one experimental. This peanut butter one was the latest experiment that went over well. By the way, this would make a wonderful pie filling. In fact, if you used a healthy pie crust like from my Triple Chocolate & Peanut Butter Pie, you’d have a mighty healthy and tasty pie on your hands.