What gives humans the right to hog all the peanut butter? Is it just because we’re the only species that can make it? Share the wealth I say! Every creature deserves some peanut butter once in a while which is why I have made some delightful dog biscuits.
I originally found the recipe at one of my favorite recipe sites, Allrecipes. I didn’t change much except that I don’t have a dog. What, you ask, was my motivation to make these? To be honest I stumbled upon the recipe while looking up peanut butter baked goods. I was amazed at how healthy and nutritious they were so I figured I’d give them a try. But I also made them for you guys! I know a lot of you have dogs and I figured that I would help you share our love of peanut butter with your personal pups.
I was a little surprised that none of the other reviewers had tasted them. Well I can proudly say that I was the first creature with advanced thought (not by much) and the ability of speech to review this recipe. In case you’re curious they’re a bit dry, which is to be expected – it’s dog food. As for the shapes, I didn’t have a dog-bone cutout so I made shaped them with a knife. I quickly tired of that and gave some thought as to other shapes that would make them more appealing to dogs. Dogs are notorious for eating their own poop so why not shape them into perfect little coils? Those were actually the tastiest ones as they were a little bit chewier.
1 large banana
1/4 cup egg substitute (1 egg)
1/3 cup creamy natural peanut butter w/ salt
1 T honey (more if you plan on eating them too)
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 cup wheat germ
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees and lightly grease a baking sheet.
2. Mash the banana with the back of a fork in a medium bowl until very few clumps remain. Add the egg, peanut butter and honey until thoroughly mixed. Stir in the flour and wheat germ and mix well.
3. Place dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll out to about 1/4″ thick. Cut into desired shapes. If you don’t have a rolling pin, like myself, use a washed wine or alcohol bottle to flatten the dough. If you don’t have any cookie cutters, also like myself, use the screw cap from a spice bottle or get creative and roll the dough out to make the little “piles” below.
4. Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
5. Serve with coffee or tea when good behavior deserves a reward.
Final Thought:
Nothin’ like a steamin’ hot one in the morning.